Issue - meetings

Skerton Weir River Lune Lancaster

Meeting: 29/07/2024 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 33)

33 Skerton Weir River Lune Lancaster pdf icon PDF 353 KB

Partial demolition of the current fish pass, construction a new permanent fish pass and creation of temporary access track and site compound.




Partial demolition of the current fish pass, construction a new permanent fish pass and creation of temporary access track and site compound.

Bulk Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Martin Bottoms and seconded by Councillor Louise Belcher:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”


Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.    Standard three-year timescale for commencement.

2.    In accordance with approved plans.

3.    Construction and Environmental Management Plan.

4.    Precautionary Method of Working including a biosecurity measures method statement.

5.    Tree Protection Plan.

6.    Arboricultural Method Statement.

7.    Landscaping/site restoration including tree replacement.

8.    Archaeological watching brief.

9.    Ecological Mitigation Measures.

10.  Method of Works.

11.  Skerton Temporary Works Flood Modelling Plan.