Issue - meetings

Lancaster Business Park Cottams Farm, Caton Road, Quernmore

Meeting: 28/05/2024 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 5)

5 Lancaster Business Park Cottams Farm, Caton Road, Quernmore pdf icon PDF 588 KB

Erection of six buildings comprising of 10 units for general industrial or storage and distribution uses (Use Classes B2 and B8), with associated infrastructure, attenuation pond, access, parking, electric vehicle charging points, service yards, landscaping and boundary treatments.




Erection of six buildings comprising of 10 units for general industrial or storage and distribution uses (Use Classes B2 and B8), with associated infrastructure, attenuation pond, access, parking, electric vehicle charging points, service yards, landscaping and boundary treatments.

Lower Lune Valley Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Keith Budden and seconded by Councillor Robert Redfern:


“That the application be approved subject to a variation to the s106 agreement to secure the Travel Plan Contribution and subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”


Upon being put to the vote, 12 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and 2 abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to a variation to the s106 agreement to secure the Travel Plan Contribution and subject to the following conditions:


1.     Time Limit.

2.     Approved Plans.

3.     Construction Environment Management Plan (CEMP) including risk assessment associated with ball strike from adjacent golf course during construction.

4.     Construction Surface Water Management Plan.

5.     Written Scheme of Investigation for Archaeology.

6.     Foul and Surface Water Drainage Scheme.

7.     Employment Skills Plan (ESP).

8.     Final finished flood levels to be submitted and agreed.

9.     In accordance with submitted AIA, Tree Protection and AMS to be submitted and agreed for each plot.

10.  Final details of all external materials, including samples, to the buildings and fencing, including acoustic fencing, and retaining walls.

11.  Final details of all renewable energy technology (PV panels), including their location, dimensions and appearance to be installed on plots 1 and 2.

12.  Scheme for future maintenance of proposed streets.

13.  Verification of the implementation of the approved drainage scheme and details of a Surface Water Maintenance Plan.

14.  Provision of cycle provision and vehicle parking before occupation.

15.  Updated Framework Travel Plan.

16.  Development shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted FRA, with the following additional detail submitted and approved before first occupation:

                Flood Evacuation Management Plan would be required. 

17.  Prior to the installation of any external plant to any of the buildings hereby approved, details of the plant and accompanying acoustic assessments shall be provided demonstrating a rating level from fixed plant items not exceeding 37 dB during any period at the closest residential dwelling.

18.  Implementation of approved landscaping scheme for each plot.

19.  Development to be carried out in accordance with the mitigation set out in the amended Acoustic report e3p Noise Impact Assessment ref: 50-228-R1-3 dated 21 September 2022.

20.  No occupation of any of the approved plot 3 units until the ball strike mitigation measures set out in the approved the Risk Reduction Protocol (Issue: 14/12/2022) and drawing 11095 03 PL S02 Rev C have been implemented in full on the site and shall be maintained and managed as approved at all times.

21.  Installation of fast closing acoustic roller shutter doors to contain noise emanating from each of the units and to be closed at  ...  view the full minutes text for item 5