79 228 - 235 Marine Road Central Morecambe Lancashire PDF 475 KB
Relevant demolition of existing buildings, erection of five storey building comprising ground floor unit (Use Class E) and hotel (Use Class C1) with roof level plant space/enclosure, ancillary facilities, associated works and landscaping.
A9 |
23/00858/FUL |
Relevant demolition of existing buildings, erection of five storey building comprising ground floor unit (Use Class E) and hotel (Use Class C1) with roof level plant space/enclosure, ancillary facilities, associated works and landscaping. |
Poulton Ward |
A |
It was proposed by Councillor Keith Budden and seconded by Councillor Roger Dennison:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 15 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Time Limit (3 years).
2. Accord with amended plans.
3. Scheme for contractual arrangements for demolition shortly preceding the physical development.
4. Demolition and construction management plan.
5. Demolition and construction environmental management plan (including timings for high noise disturbance works, such as piling).
6. Employment Skills Plan.
7. Surface Water Sustainable Drainage Strategy.
8. Sustainable Drainage System Operation and Maintenance.
9. Bat boxes details.
10. Flood risk assessment mitigation.
11. Details and samples of external materials (including natural stone walls sample panels, metal cladding, plant compound, glazing, ventilation, external doors, rainwater goods).
12. Flood Emergency Procedure plan.
13. Verification Report of Constructed Sustainable Drainage System.
14. Cumulative noise emissions assessment from proposed plant and external equipment.
15. Odour impact assessment and extraction details.
16. Bicycle storage details.
17. Off-site highway works (mobility parking and goods vehicle loading bays).
18. Visitor information packs – HRA mitigation.
19. Landscaping scheme to front forecourt.
20. Solar panel details.
21. External lighting spill plan.
22. Energy measures and BREEAM excellent rating.
23. Noise mitigation measures.
24. Bat survey mitigation measures.
25. Contamination report measures.
26. Bins stored on-site except collection days.