Issue - meetings

Land Off Lancaster Road And Adjacent To Turnpike Fold Slyne Lancashire

Meeting: 09/10/2023 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 56)

56 Land Off Lancaster Road And Adjacent To Turnpike Fold Slyne Lancashire pdf icon PDF 799 KB

Hybrid application comprising a full application for the erection of 58 dwellings (C3) with associated landscaping, infrastructure, public open space and access arrangements, and outline application for extra care (Use Class C3) and a local centre (Use Class E) development with associated landscaping, open space and infrastructure




Hybrid application comprising a full application for the erection of 58 dwellings (C3) with associated landscaping, infrastructure, public open space and access arrangements, and outline application for extra care (Use Class C3) and a local centre (Use Class E) development with associated landscaping, open space and infrastructure.

Bolton and Slyne Ward



It was proposed by Councillor John Hanson and seconded by Councillor Paul Newton:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”


Upon being put to the vote, 7 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and 5 abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to a satisfactory Highways resolution, and a legal agreement to secure:


·         A financial contribution towards provision of a new primary school;

·         A contract is entered into to secure land for care facility, or in the event of land not being sold a financial contribution towards affordable housing;

·         Public open space scheme and management of non-adopted parts of the site;

·         An Ecological Creation and Management Plan; and

·         A mechanism for an access road to be provided through to land to the west.


and subject to the following Full Consent conditions:


1.    Timescales;

2.    Development to Accord with Plans;

3.    Drainage Strategy;

4.    Surface Water Drainage;

5.    Foul Water Drainage;

6.    Accessibility M4 (2) Dwellings;

7.    Employment and Skills;

8.    Land Contamination;

9.    Construction Environmental Management Plan;

10.  Ecological Survey;

11.  External Lighting Scheme;

12.  Landscaping Scheme;

13.  Drainage Maintenance;

14.  Drainage Verification;

15.  Bin Collection;

16.  Land levels;

17.  Noise Mitigation;

18.  Fencing Treatment/ Ecology Permeability;

19.  FRA Mitigation;

20.  Wildlife Enhancement;

21.  Bird Breeding Survey;

22.  Homeowners Information Pack;

23.  Delivery Hours;

24.  Garage Retention;

25.  Arboricultural Impact Assessment;

26.  Obscure Glazed Side Windows.



and subject to the following Outline Consent conditions:


1.    Details of Reserved Matters;

2.    Timescale for Rserved Matters Details;

3.    Drainage Details;

4.    Surface Water Drainage Details;

5.    Foul Water Drainage;

6.    Employment and Skills;

7.    Soil Contamination;

8.    Construction Environmental Management Plan;

9.    Ecological Survey;

10.  External Lighting Scheme;

11.  Noise Assessment;

12.  Biodiversity Improvements;

13.  Drainage Maintenance;

14.  Drainage Verification;

15.  Parking Allocations;

16.  Contract Relating to Care Facilities;

17.  Land Levels;

18.  FRA Mitigation;

19.  Bird Surveys;

20.  Delivery Hours;

21.  Arboricultural Impact Assessment.