Issue - meetings

Former Skerton High School Owen Road Lancaster

Meeting: 18/09/2023 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 52)

52 Former Skerton High School Owen Road Lancaster pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Prior approval for the demolition of former Skerton High School, caretakers house and bunker.




Prior approval for the demolition of former Skerton High School, caretakers house and bunker.

Skerton Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Joyce Pritchard and seconded by Councillor Keith Budden:


“That prior approval is required and refused due to insufficient information:


·         Insufficient information has been provided to justify the removal of the mature trees and landscaping within the immediate vicinity of the school that are categorised as Cat A and B specimens. Thus, the Local Planning Authority does not consider the remediation and visual appearance of the site following the demolition of the buildings to be acceptable.


·         Insufficient information has been provided regarding the demolition and remediation of two bunkers that are known within the site. The Local Planning Authority cannot be certain how these elements of the demolition process will be remediated and, as such, it is not therefore possible to conclude that the method of demolition and remediation of the site is acceptable.”


Upon being put to the vote, 7 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with 1 against and 2 abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That prior approval is required and refused due to insufficient information.


·         Insufficient information has been provided to justify the removal of the mature trees and landscaping within the immediate vicinity of the school that are categorised as Cat A and B specimens. Thus, the Local Planning Authority does not consider the remediation and visual appearance of the site following the demolition of the buildings to be acceptable.


·         Insufficient information has been provided regarding the demolition and remediation of two bunkers that are known within the site. The Local Planning Authority cannot be certain how these elements of the demolition process will be remediated and, as such, it is not therefore possible to conclude that the method of demolition and remediation of the site is acceptable.