Issue - meetings

Land At Grid Reference E346580 N452460 Lancaster Road Cockerham

Meeting: 18/09/2023 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 49)

49 Land At Grid Reference E346580 N452460 Lancaster Road Cockerham pdf icon PDF 175 KB

Outline application for the erection of up to 24 dwellings (C3) and provision of new vehicular access, and pedestrian access to Willey Lane (pursuant to the variation of condition 3 on planning permission 19/01223/OUT to alter the visibility splays).

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Outline application for the erection of up to 24 dwellings (C3) and provision of new vehicular access, and pedestrian access to Willey Lane (pursuant to the variation of condition 3 on planning permission 19/01223/OUT to alter the visibility splays).

Ellel Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Sandra Thornberry and seconded by Councillor Keith Budden:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”


Upon being put to the vote, 12 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to the signing and completion of a Deed of Variation to the s106 planning obligation and subject to the following conditions:


1.    Two year timescale.

2.    Development in accordance with the approved plan (red edge and access).

3.    No part of the development shall be occupied or brought into use until the vehicular access hereby approved, as detailed on the Access and visibility splays plan, referenced K39505 17 RevB, dated 26/05/23, has been constructed in accordance with the following approved plans and is available for vehicular use, and shall be retained as such at all times thereafter:

·         Section 278 works typical sections and details, referenced 2021-042-C002, dated 07.01.22

·         Road and footway sections, referenced 2021-042-C003, dated 07.01.22

·         Kerb details plan, referenced 2021-042-C004, dated 07.01.22

No part of the development shall be occupied or brought into use until visibility splays hereby approved, as detailed on the Access and visibility splays plan, referenced K39505 17 RevB, dated 26/05/23, measuring 2.4m x 105m to the north and 2.4m x 60 metres to the south, have been implemented in full on both sides of the approved vehicular access. No walls, fences, trees, hedges, shrubs, ground or other structures within these splays shall exceed 1 metre in height above the centre line of the adjacent carriageway for the lifetime of the development.

4.    Scheme for Sustainable Surface Water Drainage.

5.    Construction Environmental Management Plan.

6.    Submission of Finished Floor and Site Levels.

7.    Scheme for Foul Water Drainage Scheme.

8.    Employment and Skills Plan.

9.    Off-site Highway Works.

10.  Provision of Nationally described space standards across all units.

11.  At least 20% of the units to be M4 (2) compliant (Accessible and Adaptable) and housing mix to be agreed.

12.  Scheme for the provision of open space.

13.  Scheme for the connection to the Public Right of Way.

14.  Scheme for external lighting.

15.  Provision of electric vehicle charging points.

16.  Provision of Home Owner Packs.

17.  Vegetation clearance to be undertaken from 1st March to 31st July.

18.  Scheme to be undertaken in accordance with the ecological mitigation methods.

19.  Development in accordance with the submitted AIA.

20.  Unforeseen contaminated land.