24 Hillside Farm Lancaster Road Heaton With Oxcliffe Morecambe PDF 364 KB
Erection of 100MW energy storage facility including 50 energy storage battery units within steel shipping containers, and ancillary development including substation, transformers, transformer compound, underground cabling, inverters, switchgear, control/switch room, office/site store building, creation of hardstanding, erection of 3m security fencing, access gates, seven 3m CCTV masts and associated balancing pond, landscaping, access track and parking and the change of use of existing farm house and farm building to ancillary offices.
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22/01317/FUL |
Erection of 100MW energy storage facility including 50 energy storage battery units within steel shipping containers, and ancillary development including substation, transformers, transformer compound, underground cabling, inverters, switchgear, control/switch room, office/site store building, creation of hardstanding, erection of 3m security fencing, access gates, seven 3m CCTV masts and associated balancing pond, landscaping, access track and parking and the change of use of existing farm house and farm building to ancillary offices. |
Overton Ward |
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It was proposed by Councillor Keith Budden and seconded by Councillor John Hanson:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:
1. Timescale;
2. Approved plans;
3. Decommissioning and removal in the event of the site becoming non-operational;
4. Construction Environmental Management Plan;
5. Construction Traffic Management Plan;
6. Surface water drainage strategy, Construction Surface Water Management Plan, Sustainable Drainage System Operation and Maintenance Manual and Verification Report of Constructed Sustainable Drainage System;
7. Biodiversity mitigation and enhancement plan;
8. District Level Licencing Confirmation;
9. Details of materials: colour and finish to containers; details of fencing; details of surfacing; details of building materials and finishes;
10. Details of external lighting;
11. Soft landscaping scheme;
12. Details and installation of access track and parking;
13. Development in accordance Preliminary Ecological Appraisal;
14. Verification Report of Constructed Sustainable Drainage System.