Issue - meetings

Land North Of Bottomdale Road East Of M6 Bottomdale Road Halton

Meeting: 30/05/2023 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 9)

9 Land North Of Bottomdale Road East Of M6 Bottomdale Road Halton pdf icon PDF 553 KB

Retrospective application for change of use of land to residential traveller accommodation consisting of two mobile homes, three touring caravans, storage of two touring caravans, two outbuildings, septic tank, hardstanding, fencing, gates, associated access, re-grading land levels, creation of bund and use of field as paddock.




Retrospective application for change of use of land to residential traveller accommodation consisting of two mobile homes, three touring caravans, storage of two touring caravans, two outbuildings, septic tank, hardstanding, fencing, gates, associated access, re-grading land levels, creation of bund and use of field as paddock.

Halton-with-Aughton Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Claire Cozler and seconded by Councillor Sandra Thornberry:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report and subject to amendment to condition 11.”


Upon being put to the vote, 14 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and 1 abstention, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.    Development in accordance with approved plans;

2.    Surfacing of access;

3.    Full details of the foul drainage system and verification of installation;

4.    Details of surface water sustainable drainage scheme;

5.    Landscaping scheme;

6.    Details of vehicle restraint barrier system and construction plan;

7.    Details of lighting and bin storage (including location);

8.    Use of the site limited to Gypsies and Travellers;

9.    Limited to number and location of units shown on plan;

10.  Removal of permitted development rights;

11.  Retention of boundary fence (fence at least 1 metre from highway boundary).