124 Land East Of Arkholme Methodist Church Kirkby Lonsdale Road Arkholme Lancashire PDF 434 KB
Outline application for the development of up to 23 residential dwellings and creation of a new access.
A7 |
22/01463/OUT |
Outline application for the development of up to 23 residential dwellings and creation of a new access. |
Kellet Ward |
A(106) |
A site visit was held in respect of this application on Monday 17th April 2023 by Councillors Dave Brookes, Keith Budden, Roger Dennison, Mel Guilding, and Peter Yates. In attendance was Principal Planning Officer, Jennifer Rehman.
It was proposed by Councillor Geoff Knight and seconded by Councillor Dave Brookes:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”
Upon being put to the vote, 8 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and 4 abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.
That the application be approved subject to a Section 106 legal agreement to secure the following:
· 40% provision of affordable housing (percentage, size, type, phasing to be agreed at Reserved Matters stage based on local housing needs and the tenure of affordable homes split into 50/60% affordable/social rent and 50/40% intermediate tenure).
· Detail, contribution and provision for open space (to be calculated at Reserved Matters Stage).
· Biodiversity net gain, including an updated metric at the time of a reserved matters application, that continues to demonstrate 10% net gain and a Landscape and Ecological Creation and Management Plan showing 30 year management.
· Provision for long term drainage, open space and landscaping/BNG, maintenance and management company.
· Contribution to Education (to be calculated at Reserved Matters Stage).
and subject to the conditions in the Committee Report:
1. Timescale for commencement (2 years).
2. Development in accordance with approved plans.
3. Arboricultural Impact Assessment details, submission of Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan.
4. Final surface water sustainable drainage strategy (SuDS).
5. Foul water scheme.
6. Finished site and floor levels (including gardens and open space).
7. Full landscaping and ecological management plan.
8. Ecology mitigation measures, including updated protected species appraisal.
9. Full energy efficiency measures, at least 4% enhancement.
10. Submission of an Employment and Skills Plan.
11. Submission of construction management plan.
12. Submission of construction surface water management plan.
13. Full details of site access/footway/crossing/lighting.
14. Contaminated land - following recommendations of the report.
15. Boundary and surface treatments remove permitted development.
16. Scheme for the full engineering, drainage and construction details of the internal estate roads.
17. Off-site highway works, including pavements.
18. Visibility splays.
19. Sustainable drainage system operation and maintenance manual.
20. Verification report of constructed sustainable drainage system.
21. Scheme of archaeological work.
22. Public right of way (PROW) connection scheme.
23. Cycle and bin storage details.
24. Housing mix address local need/policy.
25. Requirements of M4(2) accessibility and adaptability.
26. Nationally Described Space Standards.
27. Limit up to 2 storey.