Issue - meetings

Land South Of Hawthorn Avenue Hawthorn Avenue Brookhouse Lancashire

Meeting: 24/04/2023 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 123)

123 Land South Of Hawthorn Avenue Hawthorn Avenue Brookhouse Lancashire pdf icon PDF 842 KB

Erection of 25 adaptable bungalows for over 55's with associated access, internal roads and landscaping.




Erection of 25 adaptable bungalows for over 55's with associated access, internal roads and landscaping.

Lower Lune Valley Ward



A site visit was held in respect of this application on Monday 17th April 2023 by Councillors Dave Brookes, Keith Budden, Roger Dennison, Mel Guilding, Joyce Pritchard and Peter Yates. In attendance was Principal Planning Officer, Jennifer Rehman.


Under the scheme of public participation, Pam Cheetham, Chrissy Dowker, Tony Harman, Dr Sally Leigh and Ward Councillor Joyce Pritchard all spoke against the application. Daniel Hughes (PWA Planning) responded in favour.


It was proposed by Councillor Colin Hartley and seconded by Councillor Geoff Knight:


“That the application be approved subject to an additional condition regarding boundary treatments and subject to the conditions in the Committee Report.”


Upon being put to the vote, 8 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal with none against and 4 abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to have been carried.




That the application be approved subject to an additional condition regarding boundary treatments;


and subject to a legal agreement to secure the following:


·       Occupation limited to 55 years and over.

·       Provision of on-site amenity greenspace as per the approved layout plans.

·       Provision of a Landscape and Ecological Creation Management and Maintenance Plan providing 30 years management.

·       Setting up of management company for the ongoing maintenance of open space, landscaping and unadopted highway and drainage infrastructure.


and subject to the conditions in the Committee Report:


1.     Time Limit (2 years).

2.     Approved Plans.

3.     Employment and Skills Plan.

4.     Details of the access, visibility splays and new retaining structures adjacent to the highway and implementation.

5.     Diversion of public right of way and details of the connections.

6.     Phase II Site Investigation.

7.     Archaeological investigation condition.

8.     Surface water construction method statement.

9.     Construction method statement.

10.  Surface water and foul drainage scheme

11.  Habitat and species protection and enhancement scheme including CEMP (and RAMS).

12.  Precise finished finish flood levels and site levels.

13.  Material samples (dwellings and hard landscaping).

14.  In accordance with Energy Statement with precise details of final scheme and PV panels to be agreed.

15.  Lighting scheme.

16.  Detailed scheme for construction, heights and appearance of all retaining features on the site.

17.  Details of scheme for cycle storage provision.

18.  Off-site highway improvement to street lighting and 4 local bus stops to encourage and improve use of public transport.

19.  Management and maintenance of estate street prior to adoption.

20.  Validation, management and maintenance of surface water drainage scheme.

21.  Scheme for improvements to PROW gates/connections.

22.  In accordance with the AIA and Tree Protection Measures to be implemented before construction of development.

23.  Implementation of landscaping scheme.

24.  Removal of PD.

25.  M4(2).