Issue - meetings

Land Off Marsh Lane and Main Street, Cockerham

Meeting: 06/12/2021 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 49)

49 Land Off Marsh Lane and Main Street, Cockerham pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Erection of 36 dwellings, creation of vehicular access with associated landscaping, regrading of land levels and provision of surface water drainage scheme and public open space (pursuant to the variation of condition 8 on planning permission 19/00438/FUL to raise the finished floor levels of plots 3, 4, 5 and 6).




Erection of 36 dwellings, creation of vehicular access with associated landscaping, regrading of land levels and provision of surface water drainage scheme and public open space (pursuant to the variation of conditions 2 and 12 to amend approved floor plans and elevations and roofing material and add to the list of approved plans (condition 2) details required by conditions 6, 11, 12, 15 and 16 on planning permission 19/00438/FUL).

Ellel Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Mel Guilding and seconded by Councillor Janice Hanson:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report”


Upon being put to the vote, all 14 Councillors voted in favour, with none against, and no abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report:


1.    Time Limit.

2.    Approved Plans List.

3.    SW Drainage.

4.    Foul Water.

5.    Employment and Skills Plan.

6.    Pipework protection.

7.    Highways and Access construction.

8.    Finished Floor Levels.

9.    NDSS/M42.

10.  Footway Connection.

11.  Off Site Highways.

12.  Materials.

13.  Boundary treatment.

14.  Landscaping.

15.  EV Charging.

16.  POS Management and Maintenance.

17.  Homeowner packs.

18.  SW Management/Maintenance.

19.  Visibility Splays.

20.  Garage Use.

21.  Parking provision.

22.  Implementation of AIA.

23.  Removal of PD Rights.