6 Site of Former Filter House, Scotforth Road, Lancaster, Lancashire PDF 320 KB
Erection of two 4-storey student accommodation buildings comprising of 12 7-Bed cluster flats (sui generis) and 14 6-bed cluster flats (C4) with associated car parking and bin and cycle stores (Pursuant to the variation of condition 9 on planning permission 19/00996/VCN in relation to hard and soft landscaping including increasing length of access and repositioning of some bins stores and cycle units).
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21/00249/VCN |
Erection of two 4-storey student accommodation buildings comprising of 12 7-Bed cluster flats (sui generis) and 14 6-bed cluster flats (C4) with associated car parking and bin and cycle stores (Pursuant to the variation of condition 9 on planning permission 19/00996/VCN in relation to hard and soft landscaping including increasing length of access and repositioning of some bins stores and cycle units). |
University and Scotforth Ward |
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It was proposed by Councillor Joyce Pritchard and seconded by Councillor Cary Matthews:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report and that the Head of Planning and Place be delegated to approve the application following receipt of comments from National Grid subject to their being no new material planning issues raised.”
Upon being put to the vote, 13 Councillors voted in favour, with none against, and 1 abstained, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.
That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report and that the Head of Planning and Place be delegated to approve the application following receipt of comments from National Grid subject to their being no new material planning issues raised and subject to the following conditions:
1. Approved Plans.
2. Surface Water Drainage Scheme.
3. Surface Water Management Scheme.
4. Materials.
5. Ventilation Scheme.
6. Electric Vehicle Charging Points.
7. Car Parking Management Scheme.
8. Covered cycles/motorbike parking and refuse stores.
9. Hard and Soft Landscaping.
10. Off-site highways work associated with Phase I.
11. Off-site highways work associated with Phase II.
12. Remediation Certificate.
13. Access road detail.
14. Management Plan.
15. Finished Floor Levels.
16. Foul water drainage scheme.
17. CCTV and security.
18. Noise attenuation.
19. Southern Access Stopped up.
20. Student Restriction.