119 Land Adjacent Salt Ayre Leisure Centre, Salt Ayre Landfill Site, Salt Ayre Lane PDF 188 KB
Installation of arrays of 2.96 metres high PV panels, underground cabling, battery containers, inverter and associated cabins and kiosks, construction of 2.1 metres high security fencing, CCTV mounted on 6m masts, construction compound and construction of internal temporary access track with associated landscaping to form Solar Farm.
A11 |
21/00256/FUL |
Installation of arrays of 2.96 metres high PV panels, underground cabling, battery containers, inverter and associated cabins and kiosks, construction of 2.1 metres high security fencing, CCTV mounted on 6m masts, construction compound and construction of internal temporary access track with associated landscaping to form Solar Farm. |
Skerton West Ward |
A(C) |
It was proposed by Councillor Robert Redfern and seconded by Councillor Tim Dant:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report and subject to the following additional conditions:
· Tree protection plan and method statement to be submitted prior to commencement.
· Solar panels to be removed after 25 years and restoration scheme to be submitted, approved and implemented.”
Upon being put to the vote, all 14 Councillors voted unanimously in favour, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.
That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report and subject to the additional conditions:
1. Standard 3 year timescale.
2. Approved plans.
3. Landscaping and management scheme/implementation.
4. Details of colours/materials.
5. Drainage including no intrusive system unless approved.
6. Construction Vehicle Management Plan.
7. Works outside nesting bird season.
8. Tree protection plan and method statement to be submitted prior to commencement.
9. Solar panels to be removed after 25 years and restoration scheme to be submitted, approved and implemented.