Issue - meetings

University of Cumbria, Bowerham Road, Lancaster, Lancashire

Meeting: 26/04/2021 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 113)

113 University of Cumbria, Bowerham Road, Lancaster, Lancashire pdf icon PDF 310 KB

Demolition of buildings including William Thompson Tower, William Thompson Offices, Primary Curriculum Building, Estates & Secondary Centre buildings and erection of an 8, 9 and 10 storey building comprising residential student accommodation in cluster flat arrangements with ancillary laundry room, cycle store, refuse store, management office and reception, plant room and associated landscaping, access and service infrastructure.




Demolition of buildings including William Thompson Tower, William Thompson Offices, Primary Curriculum Building, Estates & Secondary Centre buildings and erection of an 8, 9 and 10 storey building comprising residential student accommodation in cluster flat arrangements with ancillary laundry room, cycle store, refuse store, management office and reception, plant room and associated landscaping, access and service infrastructure.

John O’Gaunt  Ward



Under the scheme of public participation, a Democratic Support Officer read out one letter of support for the application.


It was proposed by Councillor Joyce Pritchard and seconded by Councillor Mel Guilding:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report.”


Upon being put to the vote, 10 Councillors voted in favour, 2 against, and 2 abstained, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report:


1.    Time limit.

2.    Approved plans.

3.    Detailed Sustainable Drainage Strategy.

4.    Construction Phase Surface Water Management Plan.

5.    Foul Water Drainage.

6.    Employment Skills Plan.

7.    Contaminated land.

8.    Details of pedestrian access in boundary wall.

9.    Off-site highway works.

10.  All materials and details of fenestration, eaves, external wall construction and entrance canopies.

11.  Homeowner packs.

12.  Landscaping details and implementation.

13.  Lighting details.

14.  Travel Plan and car parking management strategy.

15.  Security details.

16.  Cycle Parking Provision.

17.  Drainage Operation and Maintenance Plan and Verification Report.

18.  Approved tree Works.

19.  Ecological mitigation measures.

20.  Hours of construction.

21.  Travel Plan.

22.  Nesting birds.

23.  Separate Drainage.

24.  Sustainable construction and energy efficiency.

25.  Removal of Telecommunications Permitted Development.

26.  Restriction to student accommodation.