115 Galgate Mill, Chapel Lane, Galgate, Lancashire PDF 294 KB
Change of use, conversion and alterations of a retail show room (use class A1) plus associated storage and office into university student apartments (use class C3) with associated recreational facilities, and a silk weaving museum (use class D1) and the erection of a bicycle shelter (pursuant to the variation of condition 2 of planning permission relating to planning application 14/00989/CU to remove the external ramp, porch, cycle shelter from the approved scheme, removal of lean-to to east elevation and creation of landscaped yard and alterations to the internal layout to provide 11 additional student rooms and an internal cycle store).
A6 |
20/00451/VCN |
Change of use, conversion and alterations of a retail show room (use class A1) plus associated storage and office into university student apartments (use class C3) with associated recreational facilities, and a silk weaving museum (use class D1) and the erection of a bicycle shelter (pursuant to the variation of condition 2 of planning permission relating to planning application 14/00989/CU to remove the external ramp, porch, cycle shelter from the approved scheme, removal of lean-to to east elevation and creation of landscaped yard and alterations to the internal layout to provide 11 additional student rooms and an internal cycle store). |
Ellel Ward |
A(C) |
It was proposed by Councillor Dave Brookes and seconded by Councillor Joyce Pritchard:
“That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report and subject to the following additional condition:
· A scheme for internal cycle access improvement.”
Upon being put to the vote, all 14 Councillors voted unanimously in favour, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.
That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report and subject to the additional condition:
1. Approved plans (amended).
2. Development to be carried out in accordance previously approved (by condition) architectural details for the windows, doors, atrium, vents, rainwater goods.
3. Construction Hours.
4. Student occupation use condition.
5. Use of the museum and café.
6. Development to be carried out in accordance previously approved crime prevention measures.
7. Implementation of the approved Travel Plan.
8. Implementation and retention of parking and refuse areas.
9. Before completion of the development, the spiral stair case to be re-instated in accordance with the approved plans pursuant to condition 1.
10. Brickwork below former lean-to roof to be made-good, cleaned and re-pointed (where needed) in accordance with agreed details and to match existing building and new stone flagged surface to landscaped courtyard to be provided.
11. A scheme for internal cycle access improvement.