Issue - meetings

Salt Ayre Sports Centre, Doris Henderson Way, Heaton With Oxcliffe, Lancaster

Meeting: 01/03/2021 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 101)

101 Salt Ayre Sports Centre, Doris Henderson Way, Heaton With Oxcliffe, Lancaster pdf icon PDF 118 KB

Erection of an extension, alterations to the main entrance and construction of a jump tower with a briefing cabin (pursuant to the variation of condition 2 on planning permission 17/00181/VCN to retain the proposed frontage).




Erection of an extension, alterations to the main entrance and construction of a jump tower with a briefing cabin (pursuant to the variation of condition 2 on planning permission 17/00181/VCN to retain the proposed frontage).

Skerton West Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Redfern and seconded by Councillor Guilding:


“That the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report”


Upon being put to the vote, Councillors voted unanimously in favour, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.




That the application be approved subject to the following conditions:


1.    Approved Plans.

2.    Hours of Operation of Flood lights.