88 Land at Royal Albert Farm, Pathfinders Drive, Lancaster, Lancashire PDF 436 KB
Erection of 53 dwellings, 1 3-storey building comprising 8 2-bed apartments and conversion of Derby Home to 8 apartments, regrading of land, creation of parking areas, internal roads including associated upgrading works to Pathfinders Drive, footpaths, drainage infrastructure and provision open space.
A7 |
19/01568/FUL |
Erection of 53 dwellings, 1 3-storey building comprising 8 2-bed apartments and conversion of Derby Home to 8 apartments, regrading of land, creation of parking areas, internal roads including associated upgrading works to Pathfinders Drive, footpaths, drainage infrastructure and provision open space. |
Scotforth West Ward |
A(106) |
It was proposed by Councillor John Reynolds and seconded by Councillor Colin Hartley:
“That Planning Permission be granted subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report and subject to amendments to the Section 106 agreement.”
Upon being put to the vote, 11 Councillors voted in favour of the proposal, none voted against, and 3 abstained, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.
That Planning Permission be granted subject to the signing of the Section 106 Agreement to secure the following obligations:
· Affordable Housing 19 units of which:
8 units Derby Home (affordable rented);
8 units New build Apartment (shared ownership);
3 units 3 bedroom Brathay (shared ownership);
· Education contribution of £161,432.25 for seven secondary school places;
· Open space off-site contribution of £80,000 towards the Royal Albert Playing Fields and £70,000 towards the extension of the Play Area at the Cedars;
· Highways Contribution of £100,000 towards the Lancaster – Knott End bus service and £77,000 towards the Pointer Roundabout Improvements;
· Derby Home to be fully converted in accordance with approved plans and an approved timetable; and
· Long term maintenance of landscaping, open space and non-adopted drainage and highways and associated street lighting;
and the following conditions:
1. Timescales 3 years.
2. Approved Plans.
3. Drainage scheme.
4. Access Detail to be agreed.
5. Employment skills plan.
6. Contamination Assessment.
7. Updated AIA and Tree Protection Measures.
8. Level 3 Building Recording Derby Home (Only on Derby Home).
9. Boundary Details.
10. Homeowner Packs (Ecology Mitigation).
11. Scheme for cycle provision and refuse.
12. Offsite Highway Works.
13. Electric Vehicle Charging Points.
14. NDSS and M4(2) Standards.
15. Building Materials.
16. Drainage Management Proposals.
17. Landscaping Implementation and ongoing aftercare.
18. Hours of construction.
19. Provision of access and turning facilities.
20. Finished Floor and Site Levels.
21. Development in accordance with Energy Statement.
22. Removal of Permitted Development Rights.
23. Development in accordance with submitted Travel Plan.
24. Development in accordance with submitted Air Quality Mitigation details.