Issue - meetings

Land to the south of Lawsons Bridge Site, Scotforth Road, Lancaster

Meeting: 09/11/2020 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 53)

53 Land to the south of Lawsons Bridge Site, Scotforth Road, Lancaster pdf icon PDF 910 KB

Outline application for the erection of up to 95 residential dwellings with associated access.




Outline application for the erection of up to 95 residential dwellings with associated access.

Scotforth West




It was proposed by Councillor Janice Hanson and seconded by Councillor Robert Redfern:


“That Planning Permission Consent be granted subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report”.”


Upon being put to the vote, 10 Councillors voted in favour of the proposition, 3 against, and 1 abstained, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.




That Planning Permission Consent be granted subject to securing a Planning Obligation securing the following:


·         30% affordable housing provision.

·         Transport Contribution totalling £106,000 (breakdown at paragraph 5.3.24).

·         Education Contribution (secondary school places with the final calculation to be determined at the reserved matters stage as it is calculated based on bedroom numbers).

·         On-site public open space including amenity greenspace and equipped play area details to be determined at the reserved matters stage.

·         Off-site public open space contribution towards Young Persons Provision (unless provided on site instead) and Outdoor Sports Facilities (improvements to the sports pitch/associated facilities at Royal Albert Sports ground) with the final figure to be calculated at the reserved matters stage (as it is calculated based on bedroom numbers).

·         Provision of Management Company to manage and maintain open space, landscaping, other land and infrastructure that would not be adopted by public bodies.


and the following conditions:


1.    Standard Time Limit.

2.    Approved Plans List (including Parameters Plan).

3.    Submission of Advance Infrastructure and Enabling Works.

4.    Employment Skills Plan.

5.    Ecology Mitigation and Enhancement Scheme and Biodiversity and Lancaster Management Plan (including Home Owner Packs).

6.    Invasive Species Survey.

7.    Construction Management Plan including measures to safeguard the WCML during construction. 

8.    Site Investigation.

9.    Development to be carried out in accordance with the AIA and submission of Tree Protection Scheme and Method Statements.

10.  Phasing Plan.

11.  Scheme for Housing mix.

12.  Scheme for the safeguarding of land to facilitate at Link Road to the west of the WCML up to the western edge of the site boundary.

13.  Site levels and finished floor levels, including details of retaining features.

14.  Access details.

15.  Off-site Highways works.

16.  Surface water drainage scheme to be agreed.

17.  Foul drainage scheme.

18.  Scheme for noise and vibration mitigation.

19.  Cycle provision and EV charging facilities to be provided for each residential unit – details to be agreed.

20.  Sustainable Design requirement of 10% betterment of Part L Building Regulations.

21.  Full Travel Plan.

22.  Surface water management and maintenance plan.

23.  Protection of Visibility Splays.

24.  Implementation of FRA.

25.  All dwellings to be designed to meet the NDSS and 20% of the dwellings to be M4(2) compliant.

26.  A 3.5m shared pedestrian/cycle link shall be provided between the access and a new pedestrian/cycle link to the southern end of the site.