Issue - meetings

Land north of Hala Carr Farm Bowerham Road Lancaster

Meeting: 20/07/2020 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 12)

12 Land north of Hala Carr Farm Bowerham Road Lancaster pdf icon PDF 412 KB

Erection of 34 dwellings with associated access and alterations to land levels




Erection of 34 dwellings with associated access and alterations to land levels. 

University and Scotforth Rural Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Mel Guilding and seconded by Councillor Janice Hanson:


“Subject to Natural England being satisfied with the conclusions of the Appropriate Assessment and the flood risk and drainage consultees also being satisfied with the amended drainage and engineering details, together with the signing of the S106, that the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the recommendation and any other conditions recommended in response to the outstanding consultation.”


Upon  being  put  to  the  vote,  8 Councillors  voted  in  favour, 1 voted against, and 2 abstained whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.




Subject to Natural England being satisfied with the conclusions of the Appropriate Assessment and the flood risk and drainage consultees also being satisfied with the amended drainage and engineering details, together with the signing of the S106, that the application be approved subject to the conditions set out in the recommendation and any other conditions recommended in response to the outstanding consultation, and subject to the following conditions:


the completion of a S106 securing the provision of four affordable housing units, the education contribution of £96.740.64 to be used at Lancaster Central High School or Our Lady’s Catholic College, an off-site POS contribution of £65,380 towards equipped play provision and young person’s provision to be used locally, on-site amenity space and structural landscaping and the provision of an estate management company, and including:


1. Time limit (2 yrs).

2. Approved plans.



3. Development to be carried out in accordance with the Drainage Strategy and SW drainage scheme to be agreed.


Pre-commencement (above slab level)

4. Phasing of landscaping and infrastructure to be agreed.

5. Notwithstanding details submitted, external materials and samples to be agreed including external finishes to split-level housetypes.

6. Scheme for cycle storage provision and EV charging points.



7. Development in accordance with Air Quality mitigation / Travel Plan.

8. Ecology Mitigation including submission of homeowner pack.

9. Employment Skills Plan (verification stages to be submitted).



10. AIA and tree protection measures to be implemented.

11. Construction Method Statement.

12. Drainage maintenance.

13. Development to be carried out in accordance with the site investigation with unforeseen contamination condition.

14. Provision of access and turning areas.

15. Provision of off-site highway works.

16. Protection of visibility splays.

17. Development in accordance with Acoustic Report and implementation of mitigation.

18. Landscaping implementation and maintenance.

19. Boundary treatments to be implemented and maintained – existing dry stone wall to be re-built.

20. Provision and protection of car parking and turning areas.

21. Removal of Permitted Development Parts 1 and 2.