Issue - meetings

13 Dalton Square Lancaster

Meeting: 03/02/2020 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 96)

96 13 Dalton Square Lancaster pdf icon PDF 293 KB

Relevant Demolition of former cinema auditorium and erection of a 4 storey building with new glazed shop front for student accommodation comprising of 24 one-bed studios (C3), 3 two-bed apartments (C4) and 1 three -bed apartment (C4)




Relevant Demolition of former cinema auditorium and erection of a 4 storey building with new glazed shop front for student accommodation comprising of 24 one-bed studios (C3), 3 two-bed apartments (C4) and 1 three -bed apartment (C4). 

Castle Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Tim Dant and seconded by Councillor Mandy Bannon, contrary to the officer’s recommendation in the report:


“That planning permission be deferred until the demand for student accommodation is sufficiently evidenced.”


Upon being put to the vote, 2 Councillors voted in favour of the proposition, with 12 against, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be lost.


It was then proposed by Councillor Keith Budden and seconded by Councillor Alan Biddulph:


“That planning permission be granted, subject to the following conditions set out in the Committee Report with an amendment to condition 15 and an additional condition 16.”


Upon being put to the vote, 11 Councillors voted in favour of the proposition, with 3 abstentions, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.




That planning permission be granted, subject to the following conditions set out in the Committee Report with an amendment to condition 15 and an additional condition 16:


1. Time Limits for implementation.

2. Approved plans.

3. Surface water drainage scheme.

4. Surface water management.

5. Foul water drainage scheme.

6. Archaeological recording.

7. Student restriction.

8. Noise attenuation.

9. Mechanical ventilation systems.

10. Cycle and refuse.

11. Materials.

12. Archaeological Watching Brief.

13. Development in accordance with the noise report.

14. No development to be occupied until the noise mitigation has been installed.

15. Sustainable construction to include a fabric first approach to deliver the energy efficiencies, water / carbon reductions and solar PV and thermal panels as submitted as part of the application.

16. Security measures to include gates, boundary treatments (height / materials / finishes), CCTV and external lighting.



NOTE: After the business on the agenda had been dealt with, Committee members requested that Cabinet provide information for them on the student accommodation market in Lancaster, both in terms of current trends and projections into the future, to better inform the decisions to be taken on planning applications.