Issue - meetings

Queen Victoria Memorial, Dalton Square, Lancaster

Meeting: 16/09/2019 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 52)

52 Queen Victoria Memorial, Dalton Square, Lancaster pdf icon PDF 114 KB

Construction of temporary ice rink, temporary siting of observation wheel, chillers, erection of temporary fencing and hoardings, and temporary siting of marquee, access ramps, ticket booth, market stalls and tents for skate hire and the sale of refreshments and erection of two electricity cabinets.




Construction of temporary ice rink, temporary siting of observation wheel, chillers, erection of temporary fencing and hoardings, and temporary siting of marquee, access ramps, ticket booth, market stalls and tents for skate hire and the sale of refreshments and erection of two electricity cabinets

Castle Ward



The Development Manager advised the Committee that discussions were still ongoing with the Highway Authority in respect of the highway issues.


It was proposed by Councillor Tim Dant and seconded by Councillor Dave Brookes:


“That Planning Permission be granted, subject to the conditions set out in the Committee Report with an amendment to condition 1 to cover only the ice rink, a separate condition providing for a 1 year permission for the observation wheel and a condition for the soundproofing of the electricity generator.”


Upon being put to the vote, Councillors voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the Chair declared the proposal to be carried.




That Planning Permission be granted, subject to the following conditions and subject to the highway issues being resolved to the satisfaction of the Planning Manager:


1.            Temporary consent for 5 years for a 6 week period, in addition to 2 weeks either side of the scheduled event for construction and dismantling.

2.            Temporary 1 year consent for the observation wheel.

3.            Development in accordance with approved plans including scaffolding sections.

4.            Full highways method statement detailing the build phase, event phase, and dismantling phase to be submitted prior to commencement.

5.            Notwithstanding the submitted details precise details of surfacing under the observation wheel to be submitted and agreed prior to commencement.

6.            Notwithstanding the submitted details precise details of marquees/tents including layout to be submitted and agreed prior to installation.

7.            Protection of the stone steps to the Queen Victoria Memorial.

8.            Method statements and risk assessment to cover the construction and dismantling phases, and protection of the Queen Victoria Memorial and stone balustrade.

9.            Method statement and risk assessment to cover the construction and dismantling phases for observation wheel.

10.         AMS and TTP including cabinet installation and observation wheel.

11.         No equipment/ advertisements/lighting to be attached to trees.

12.         Photographic survey of the site (including all elevations of the Queen Victoria Memorial) to be carried out prior to the installation of the scaffolding as a record of the condition of the area prior to commencement and after the event (each year).

13.         Hours of operation 10:00 to 22:00 seven days a week.

14.         Scheme to be provided for the location/position of speakers and lighting.

15.         Details of cabinets (including colour) and cabling.

16.         Existing surfacing to be re-instated following installation of cabinets.

17.         Details of protective fencing, barricades and hoardings.

18.         Soundproofing to electricity generators if the electricity cabinet is not in situ and operational.