Issue - meetings

Greendales Caravan Park, Carr Lane, Middleton, Morecambe

Meeting: 01/04/2019 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 142)

142 Greendales Caravan Park, Carr Lane, Middleton, Morecambe pdf icon PDF 96 KB

Change of use of agricultural land for the siting of 26 static holiday caravans, camping area, erection of a bicycle rack, formation of mini golf course, amenity/dog walking area and associated landscaping and creation of an extension to existing internal access road




Change of use of agricultural land for the siting of 26 static holiday caravans, camping area, erection of a bicycle rack, formation of mini golf course, amenity/dog walking area and associated landscaping and creation of an extension to existing internal access road.

Overton Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Helen Helme and seconded by Councillor June Ashworth:


“That the application be approved.”


Upon being put to the vote, 12 Members voted in favour of the proposition and 3 against, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




That subject to the signing and completing of a Section 106 Unilateral Undertaking to ensure that the caravans are used wholly for holiday accommodation, Planning Permission be granted subject to  the following conditions:


1. Standard three year timescale.

2. In accordance with amended plans.

3. Details of covered and secure cycle storage facilities.

4. Ecology mitigation.

5. Implementation of hard and soft landscape scheme.

6. Development carried out in accordance with Arboriculture Implications Assessment and Tree Protection Plan.

7. Foul and surface drainage details.

8. Implement amenity spaces in full prior to first occupation/being brought into use.

9. Development carried out in accordance with FRA.

10. Restriction of number of units and layout as on submitted plans.

11 Restriction of use to holiday units.