Issue - meetings

Land South of Low Road, Halton

Meeting: 05/03/2018 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 139)

139 Land South of Low Road, Halton pdf icon PDF 253 KB

Reserved matters application for the erection of 60 dwellings and associated infrastructure




Reserved matters application for the erection of 60 dwellings and associated infrastructure.

Halton-with-Aughton Ward


It was proposed by Councillor Eileen Blamire and seconded by Councillor Andrew Kay:


“That the application be approved.”


Upon being put to the vote, 14 Members voted in favour of the proposition with 1 abstention, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




That approval of reserved matters be granted but delegated back to the Planning Manager to allow: for the consultation period on the amended plans to expire;for the wording of conditions to reflect amended plans and/or outcome of consultation with the relevant consultees; and for the re-examination of viability if this is the applicant’s intention following their correspondence over sales values immediately prior to the Committee meeting (though if there is any variation to the provision of affordable housing set out in the report then the application is to be reported to Planning Committee) and subject to the following conditions:



Time limit for reserved matters.


Development to be constructed in accordance with approved plans (list of drawings).


Details to be agreed before construction of the super structures


Notwithstanding the details submitted, precise details of the boundary treatments forming the plot enclosures and raised garden patios to be submitted and agreed in writing with the LPA.


Scheme for the pedestrian and cycle link connections to be provided and agreed with the LPA including phased timetable for implementation.  Such connections shall be retained at all times.


Notwithstanding the details submitted, for the gateway feature, a scheme to be submitted to and agreed in writing by the LPA.


Notwithstanding the details submitted, final materials of the external finished to the dwellings, including the flue details and external surfaces, to be agreed and sample panels of the stonework/brickwork render detailing to be agreed with the LPA.


Precise construction details and external finishes of the windows/doors/dormers/feature windows/curtain glazing/junctions between materials are submitted and agreed with the LPA.


Details of the location, size and finish of external cycle storage for plots without garages to be agreed and implemented before occupation of respective dwellings, to be retained at all times thereafter. 


Development to be carried out in accordance with the Landscape Strategy and Proposals Plan (as amended) and thereafter maintained in accordance with the Landscape and Ecology Management Plan, phasing of landscaping scheme to be agreed before construction of superstructures.


Precise landscaping of the Swale to be agreed with the LPA.


Control conditions


Development to be carried out in accordance with the amended AIA and AMS.


Retention of existing hedgerow to western boundary.


Parking to be provided in accordance with the site layout plan and provided before occupation and thereafter retained.


Internal highway to be constructed in accordance with submitted highway plans.


Garages to be retained for the parking of vehicles only for specific plots.


Removal of PD (extensions, roof additions, outbuildings).


No insertion of new, altered windows/doors.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 139