Issue - meetings

Land Rear Of Ingleborough View, Station Road, Hornby

Meeting: 05/02/2018 - Planning Regulatory Committee (Item 128)

128 Land Rear Of Ingleborough View, Station Road, Hornby pdf icon PDF 323 KB

Outline application for the erection of up to 11 dwellings and creation of a new access and associated landscaping




Outline application for the erection of up to 11 dwellings and creation of a new access and associated landscaping.

Upper Lune Valley Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Susan Sykes and seconded by Councillor Jane Parkinson:


“That the application be approved.”


Upon being put to the vote, Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




That Outline Planning Permission be granted, but delegated back to the Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning) to allow amended landscaping plan to be submitted, subject to the signing and completing of a legal agreement securing the measures set out in Section 8.0 of this report and the following conditions:


1.         Standard Time limit.

2.         Development in accordance with location plan and access drawing.

3.         Restriction of development to no more than 2 storeys along the rear of Ingleborough View and any development in the locations indicatively shown to show plots 9-11 restricted to bungalows.

4.         Access as indicted on approved drawing to be provided to base course level to adoptable standards before construction of the development (except for the access) and completed in full before final occupation or completion of the development whichever occurs first.


5.         Surface water drainage scheme to be submitted and agreed.

6.         Foul drainage scheme to be agreed.

7.         Precise scheme for off-site highways to be submitted and agreed based on illustrative proposals set out on off-site highway works plan (TBC) and the works to be completed before fist occupation of the development.

8.         Notwithstanding the details submitted, a Tree Protection Plan and Method Statement to be submitted and agreed and implemented before construction of development.

9.         Detailed scheme for the provision of a pedestrian link to the neighbouring public open space to be submitted and agreed with full implementation before first occupation.

10.       FFLs and external levels of gardens, roads, open space to be submitted and agreed.

11.       Precise scheme for ecology mitigation and biodiversity enhancement based on recommendation set out in the submitted Ecology Appraisal.


12.       Provision of electric charging points.


13.       Details of management and maintenance of on-site surface water drainage scheme.


14.       Development to be carried out in accordance with the updated Arboricultural Implications Assessment (TBC).

15.       Approved landscaping plan and strategy to be implemented in full (TBC).

16.       Development to be carried out in accordance with the recommendation.

17.       Removal of Permitted Development Rights (parts 1, 2 and 14).