Issue - meetings

Corporate Financial Monitoring Qtr3 2016/17

Meeting: 21/02/2017 - Budget and Performance Panel (Item 31)

31 Corporate Financial Monitoring Qtr3 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 194 KB

Report of the Chief Officer (Resources).

Additional documents:


The Financial Services Manager introduced a report to present the Corporate Financial Monitoring 2016/17 Quarter 3. A summary of the Corporate Financial Monitoring for Quarter 3 of 2016/17 was attached for Members consideration.


Members were advised that the headline projections were as follows:-


·         A current General Fund net underspending of £34K, but expected to be in line with the budget by the year end.


·         The Housing Revenue Account was currently in line with the revised budget, but an underspend of £17K was expected by the end of the year.


Members asked a number of questions on Council Tax deficit, income collection, debt, Housing Benefit, the effect of new builds on Council Tax revenue, spending on recruitment agents, housing rent arrears and the impact of Universal Credit.


The Financial Services Manager presented the latest Treasury Management report which was attached for Members consideration. The Property update was not included as it was currently being re-worked following changes requested by the Panel. It was envisaged that an updated version of the report would be available for Quarter 4 as part of the wider performance monitoring.


Members asked a number of questions in relation to interest rates, fixed term deposits with Cambridge County Council and Birmingham City Council and ethical investment considerations.


The Chief Officer (Health and Housing) provided a briefing note on Salt Ayre Leisure Centre and answered a number of questions in relation to operational costs, the temporary café, swimming pool usage, gym membership, local competitors, the spa and immersive spin classes, the Budget Book for 2016/17 and insurance policies.




(1)  That the report be noted.


(2)  That a further update on Salt Ayre be included in the corporate outturn reporting for 2016/17.


(3)  That a detailed debt report also be provided in the outturn reporting for 2016/17.


(4)  That information on the council tax base be provided to the Panel.