Issue - meetings

St. Leonard’s House

Meeting: 14/04/2016 - Overview and Scrutiny Committee (Item 81)

81 Request to Call-in Cabinet Decision - St Leonard's House - Lancaster - Cabinet Minute 90 pdf icon PDF 103 KB

The Cabinet decision on St Leonard’s House - Lancaster – (Minute 90) taken by Cabinet on 29th March 2016 has been requested to be called in by Councillors Caroline Jackson and Phillippa Williamson (Overview and Scrutiny Members) and by Councillors Roger Mace, Tim Hamilton-Cox and Joan Jackson. 


 This request was subsequently agreed by the Chief Executive. The decision has been called-in in accordance with Part 4 Section 5, Paragraph 16 of the Council’s Constitution. 


Councillor Eileen Blamire (Leader of the Council) and Councillor Abbott Bryning (Cabinet Member with responsibility for Property) have been invited to attend to outline the basis on which the decision was made. 


Included in the agenda: 


 ·         Call-in Procedure


·         Cabinet minute extract


·         Call-in Notice


·         Report to Cabinet and Appendix


Additional documents:


Members were advised that the Cabinet decision in relation to St Leonard’s House, Lancaster - Cabinet Minute 90 had been called-in by the following 5 Members:


Councillors Caroline Jackson, Tim Hamilton-Cox, Joan Jackson, Roger Mace and Phillippa Williamson. 


Members were informed that the Call-in had been made on the basis that the decision had not been made in accordance with all the principles set out in Article 13 (Decision Making) of the Constitution, in particular:


(b)       Lack of, or insufficient consultation and the taking of professional advice from Officers. 

(d)        Lack of openness. 

(e)        The aims and desired outcomes of the decision are not clearly expressed. 

(f)        Insufficient information about the options that were considered or the reasons for arriving at the decision. 

(g)        Other (reasons contained in the Call-in notice).


The Chairman outlined the procedure to be followed and invited the Councillors who had made the Call-in request to summarise the reasons for the Call-in. Councillor Mace set out the reasons for the Call-in.


The Chairman invited Councillor Eileen Blamire (Leader of the Council) and Councillor Abbott Bryning (Cabinet Member with responsibility for Property Services, Rural Areas and Car Parking) to explain the reasons for the decision of Cabinet. 


The Chairman invited signatories to the Call-in to ask questions and Councillor Bryning, Councillor Blamire, the Chief Officer (Resources) and Senior Property Officer responded.


The meeting adjourned at 6.35pm and re-convened at 7.00pm to allow background papers to be circulated.


The Call-in signatories were, at this point, invited to ask further questions. 


The Chairman invited signatories to the Call-in to ask questions and Councillor Bryning, Councillor Blamire, the Chief Officer (Resources) and Senior Property Officer responded.


It was proposed by Councillor Mace and seconded by Councillor Caroline Jackson:-


“That Cabinet reconsider the decision regarding St. Leonard’s House” (the full recommendation is set out in a minute exempt from publication under Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972).


Upon being put to the vote 4 Members voted in favour of the proposal and 4 against, whereupon the Chairman, using his casting vote, declared the proposition carried.




That Cabinet reconsider the decision regarding St. Leonard’s House (the full resolution is set out in a minute exempt from publication under Paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of Section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972).


Meeting: 29/03/2016 - Cabinet (Item 90)

St. Leonard’s House - Lancaster

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Bryning)


Report of Chief Officer (Resources)

Additional documents:


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Bryning)


Councillor Hamilton-Cox addressed Cabinet on this issue, having registered to speak as Ward Councillor on this item in accordance with Part 4, Section 4, (2.6) of Cabinet Procedure Rules.


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Resources) which provided an update on progress since approval of the Stage 2 report for the redevelopment of St Leonard’s House in February 2015.  The report presented available options for moving forward and sought Cabinet’s decision on how to proceed.  Cabinet gave full consideration to the options which were detailed in the report which was exempt from publication by virtue of paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the exempt report.


Councillor Bryning proposed, seconded by Councillor Smith:-


“That the recommendation, as set out in the exempt report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)             That Cabinet notes the progress made following the financial commitment made to progress the ‘Stage 2’ report for the redevelopment of St. Leonard’s House as student accommodation.

(2)             That Cabinet approves Option 1 as set out in the exempt report, this being the disposal of St. Leonard’s House to Robertson Property Limited in line with the exclusivity agreement and other heads of terms developed through the Lancashire Regeneration Property Partnership (LRPP) as set out at Appendix A to the exempt report, in support of the economic well-being of the area.

(3)             That progress on this matter be covered in the normal quarterly reporting arrangements.

Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer (Resources)


Reasons for making the decision:


The proposal aims to help achieve the targets within the Council’s Medium Term Financial Strategy, whilst also supporting current corporate priorities in connection with Economic Growth and Health and Wellbeing (housing).  The development proposal could bring wider benefits including acting as a potential catalyst for regeneration and freeing up student homes to the domestic housing supply chain.