Issue - meetings

Licensing of Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles

Meeting: 01/09/2015 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Licensing of Hackney Carriages and Private Hire Vehicles pdf icon PDF 302 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Blamire)


Report of Chief Officer (Governance)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Blamire)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Governance) to enable Cabinet to consider the level of service that should be provided by the Council in relation to the licensing of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles.


Cabinet was asked to consider at this stage whether it wished to consider reductions or enhancements in the levels of service provided for the licensing of hackney carriage and private hire vehicles, and if so, in which aspects, so that these could be further investigated and costed.


Councillor Pattison proposed, seconded by Councillor Clifford:-


“That Cabinet agrees not to explore any options to reduce or increase the level of service provided by the Council with regard to the licensing of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles at this time.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)          That Cabinet agrees not to explore any options to reduce or increase the level of service provided by the Council with regard to the licensing of hackney carriages and private hire vehicles at this time.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer (Governance)


Reasons for making the decision:


Public Safety is a statutory duty and protecting the most vulnerable in our society is an underlying principle of the Council’s corporate plan.  Many taxi passengers are vulnerable persons and an effective licensing and enforcement regime is crucial for their protection and the safety of the public in general.