Issue - meetings

Corporate Non-Housing Property Portfolio: Year Two Delivery Plan

Meeting: 15/10/2014 - Individual Cabinet Member and Officer Delegated Decisions (Item 7)

7 Corporate Non-Housing Property Portfolio: Year Two Delivery Plan - Lancaster Town Hall Passenger Lift Replacement pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Meeting: 29/07/2014 - Cabinet (Item 27)

27 Corporate Non-Housing Property Portfolio Improvement Works: Year 2 Delivery Plan pdf icon PDF 199 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hamilton-Cox)


Report of Chief Officer (Resources)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hamilton-Cox)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Resources) which sought approval of a draft year two delivery plan for Corporate Non-Housing Property Improvement Works, in line with the basic programme originally supported by Cabinet in January 2013.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1:

To approve the year two delivery programme as set out in table one


Option 2:

Produce an alternative year two plan


This option would halt deterioration for those buildings identified within the year two delivery plan and help prevent associated unplanned operational difficulties.


Puts in place the foundations for establishing a planned maintenance approach to provide improved financial certainty moving forward. 

No advantages identified; depends on rationale behind any alternatives put forward.



The 5 year planned refurbishment/maintenance programme is a long term initiative and it will be a few years before the real financial benefits became apparent. 


Inevitably there will be some disruption to services affected although this will be planned rather than reactive.

The time taken to develop an alternative programme would delay overall progress. 



Not all high priority works can be taken forward at the same time and failures could always occur in the interim with associated risks attached.  This risk exists at present, however, and by approving the plan, the Council can be seen to be taking action and managing the position.


As works would be carried out alongside the joint property review and various service reviews there is some residual risk that works will be carried out at a building subsequently identified for closure /sale despite the monitoring and review arrangements in place.  That said, improvement works could improve sale prospects / likely capital receipts.


May create delays in progressing the delivery programme and associated risks attached - could leave the Council open to greater criticism or action should there be failure of any of the items where works have been identified. In addition could increase costs / inefficiencies over time.


Ultimately any risk will depend on the nature of any alternatives proposed.



The officer preferred option is option 1.  In line with the previous Cabinet reports, this option would help ensure that the Council fulfils its obligations in respect of maintenance and other works to buildings so that they meet the relevant health and safety standards and that the items falling into the greatest state of disrepair can be addressed. 


Councillor Hamilton-Cox proposed, seconded by Councillor Leytham:-


“That the recommendation, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)          That the schedule of capital works set out in Table 1 of the report for progression during 2014/15 be approved, on the basis set out in the report.


Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer (Resources)


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision seeks to ensure that the Council’s property portfolio is fit for purpose in terms of supporting the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 27