In accordance with Part 4, Section 7, Urgent Business Procedure Rules and S100B(4)of the Local Government Act 1972, the Chairman requested Cabinet give consideration to reducing the number of Committee meetings. This would enable Council to consider the recommendations at its December meeting, and the Council Business Committee would then be able to set the meetings timetable in January in light of the Council’s decisions.
Councillor Blamire proposed and Councillor Barry seconded:
“That in view of the future year’s savings requirements set out in the Corporate Financial Monitoring Report, and the priority outcome in the current Corporate Plan that the Council’s operations are delivered and managed efficiently and effectively to achieve better value for money, that Council be recommended to reduce the number of scheduled meetings each year as follows:
with the proviso that additional meetings could be convened if required
Councillors then voted.
Resolved unanimously:
That in view of the future year’s savings requirements set out in the Corporate Financial Monitoring Report, and the priority outcome in the current Corporate Plan that the Council’s operations are delivered and managed efficiently and effectively to achieve better value for money, that Council be recommended to reduce the number of scheduled meetings each year as follows:
with the proviso that additional meetings could be convened if required
Officer responsible for effecting the decision:
Chief Officer (Governance)
Reasons for making the decision:
The decision will assist in budget setting preparations and will enable Council Business Committee to consider and agree a timetable of meetings at its January meeting. It is a legal requirement that the Council publishes its timetable of meetings by the commencement of each municipal year.