Issue - meetings

Development of the “Light Up Lancaster” Festival

Meeting: 12/03/2013 - Cabinet (Item 133)

133 Development of the “Light Up Lancaster” Festival pdf icon PDF 73 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Sands)


Report of the Head of Community Engagement


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Sands)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Community Engagement which sought a decision with regard to an application for Arts Council Funding.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:





Support the bid

The project aligns closely to a number of council priorities and goals outlined in section 1.4 and it also:


          Supports Lancaster Square Routes scheme

          chimes well with the opportunities the castle development will provide

          fits with Marketing Lancashire’s aims to promote Lancaster as a cultural heritage city

          fits well with the emerging Arts Strategy for the district

          Reflects the Arts Council’s encouragement of bids of this nature.

          Is a strong partnership project


          It requires match funding, along with a commitment from the city council in acting as accountable body for the next two financial years, 

          Financial pressures may mean the city council cannot sustain the existing level of match in 2014/15 as it will in 2013/14. However, many elements of match are from non-council sources and other funding opportunities could be sought

Not support

          The advantages above are not realised.

          Retains greater budget flexibility for making savings.

          The advantages are not realised.


The development of the Light up Lancaster festival supported a number of Council priorities in particular the growth of the visitor economy and a bid to the Arts Council was being encouraged by that body.


Councillor Sands proposed, seconded by Councillor Leytham:-


“(1)      That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That Cabinet support the submission of a bid to the Arts Council by the Lancaster Arts Partners.

(2)        That Cabinet note the commitment required to deliver this initiative over the next two financial years.

(3)        That the Council become the Accountable Body for the funding should the bid be successful.

(4)        That the Head of Resources be given delegated authority to update the General Fund Revenue Budget should the bid be successful and subject to there being no additional call on City Council resources.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Community Engagement

Head of Regeneration & Planning

Head of Resources


Reasons for making the decision:


The ‘Light up Lancaster’ project aligned closely to a number of council priorities and goals, fitted with the Lancaster Square Routes scheme, opportunities the castle development would provide as well as Marketing Lancashire’s aims to promote Lancaster as a cultural heritage city.  It was consistent with the emerging Arts Strategy for the district, reflecting the Arts Council’s encouragement of bids of this nature.  Partners believed the project had the potential to become a flagship festival for the county and one acknowledged at national level.