Issue - meetings

Corporate Fees and Charges Policy Review

Meeting: 04/12/2012 - Cabinet (Item 87)

87 Corporate Fees and Charges pdf icon PDF 138 KB

(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Bryning, Hamilton-Cox, Hanson, Leytham and Sands)


Report of Head of Resources

Additional documents:


(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Bryning, Hamilton-Cox, Hanson, Leytham and Sands)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Resources to consider the annual review of fees and charges for 2013/14.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


In order to assist the decision making process the report was structured into four main areas as follows:

n       Environmental Services - Car Parking

n       Health & Housing

n       Wellbeing

n       Regeneration & Planning – Cycle Parking Lockers


These set out the key considerations for Members in context of the latest budget projections and listed the relevant options, options appraisal and officer recommendations either in the body of the report or in the appendices.  It was important to remember that income budgets had been set based on the best information available at this time, but also that the impact of the current economic climate could continue to adversely affect income generation.



It was agreed that consideration of proposals regarding car parking fees and charges be deferred until the January Cabinet meeting when it was hoped the county council would had confirmed their proposals regarding on-street parking charges. If this was the case it would still allow for implementation in April 2013.



Appendix D to the report set out the current charges and options for increases for 2013/14. 


Pest Control Fees

The pest control fees were increased last year by 5% on the previous year. Any further large increase could deter the public from seeking expert advice.  This could lead to people carrying out their own DIY treatments, which might have serious health and safety implications.  It also allowed pest problems to escalate to a point at which the Council would be forced to intervene, by which time treatment was more difficult, more labour?intensive and more costly.


Cemetery Fees

Neptune Baby and Young Child Memorial Garden.

As in previous years, uptake of memorial options in this area had been limited.  It was again proposed therefore that the fees for burial options, cremated remains, memorial plaques and associated extras be retained at the same level as last year.


General Fees & Charges

Most of the fees and charges covered in the report related to the provision of statutory services but the council did have flexibility in setting fees for these services. 

For the discretionary services, the council was at discretion to set its own level of fee provided that the fees remained competitive and affordable to retain customers.  The pest control service was estimated to operate at a loss of £89,600 inclusive of recharges, and £20,800 excluding recharge in 2013/14, based on the latest draft budget which included an inflationary increase of 2%.  If Option 2 (5% increase) was approved the deficit would be reduced by £3,300.




Option 1

To approve an inflationary increase of 2% in fees.

Option 2

To approve a 5% increase.

Option 3

To do nothing and retain  ...  view the full minutes text for item 87