Issue - meetings

Improving Morecambe's Main Streets - Improving Morecambe's Main Streets

Meeting: 04/10/2011 - Cabinet (Item 49)

49 Morecambe Area Action Plan - Improving Morecambe's main streets pdf icon PDF 86 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Report of the Head of Regeneration and Policy


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Regeneration and Policy which proposed a further initiative to improve main streets and spaces in and around Morecambe’s established centre as part of work to support delivery of the emerging Morecambe Area Action Plan.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1 – To rely on the private sector for any investment to improve New Town Square and Euston Road in line with the emerging Morecambe Area Action Plan.


This option would mean that the council would not take a lead in effecting improvements in with and to support delivery of the emerging Morecambe Area Action Plan.It would mean not undertaking outline design work and preparing budget estimates and not seeking to bring forward considered proposals via appropriate community engagement. It would not necessarily mean that nothing happens but the council would be entirely reliant on the private sector to achieve improvements. Recent history evidences relatively low levels of private sector investment in Morecambe centre but the recent Travellodge development shows that it can be instrumental in effecting improvements to public realm. In addition the option would still permit the council to directly bring forward improvements to public realm as possible as part of “A View for Eric”, the second Morecambe Townscape Heritage Initiative (THI) 2. These must be within the area of the THI and will likely be focused on Victoria Street and Market Street.


The advantages are that the option will lead to no additional demands on the General Capital Fund and reliance on the private sector to fund extra investment and improvements is in principle appropriate in circumstances where the public sector cannot afford to commit resources.


The disadvantages are that given national and local economic circumstances and that Morecambe evidences generally limited levels of private sector investment no assurance can be given that New Town Square and Euston Road can be improved within any timescale.


The risks are that without a delivery lead from the council the private sector will not fill the gap and improvements cannot be achieved within at least the short to medium term meaning the town centre is not positioned well and competitively for the future. In this event this option would not support the trajectory of the emerging Morecambe Area Action Plan.


Option 2 – The Head of Regeneration and Policy work up outline proposals and cost estimates to improve New Town Square and Euston Road and, as part of preparing its budget recommendations, Cabinet uses these as a basis to consider whether appropriate budget provision be included in its draft General Fund Capital Programme for 2012/13.


This option would mean the council takes a lead to vision what improvements may be possible. At minimum it would make for preparation of outline proposals that should fit to the emerging Morecambe Area Action Plan and might set a template for the  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49