Issue - meetings

Council Assets Funding Report

Meeting: 09/11/2010 - Cabinet (Item 64)

64 Council Assets Funding Report pdf icon PDF 100 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Langhorn)


Report of the Head of Property Services.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Langhorn)


(Councillor Ashworth declared a personal and prejudicial interest in this item having been the Chair of the Morecambe Music Festival and left the meeting prior to consideration of the item).


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Property Services to update Cabinet on items considered by the Council Assets Task Group.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: is to approve the various recommendations as set out in the report above.


Option 2: is to do nothing.



This would result in the safekeeping of historic charters in the Records Office whilst obtaining copies for display locally. A condition survey would allow Officers to develop options for the ongoing maintenance of non fixed assets assets.

No further work on this project would be required.


Some officer time would be required to implement these recommendations

This would result in the charters remaining as existing and continuing to deteriorate even though there is an opportunity to transfer them to the Records Office at no cost. There would be no copies available for public display.  No funding would be sought for restoration of paintings etc whilst silverware would not be displayed and old furniture would remain in storage.



None identified

The charters would remain stored in unsatisfactory conditions and continue to deteriorate. If funds are not made available for restoration the condition of the non fixed assets of the council will also continue to deteriorate. If the old furniture remains in storage it will incur accommodation costs in doing so.



Officer Preferred Option (and comments)


The officer preferred option is Option 1 as this will promote the maintenance and/or restoration of the non-fixed assets and the safekeeping of the historic charters.


Councillor Langhorn proposed, seconded by Councillor Kerr:-

“(1)      That the Charters be relocated to the Records Office in Preston for conservation, storage and safekeeping.

(2)        That the Council accepts the offer of the County Council to produce an initial printed copy of each charter with a CD of images for future use, and to request further copies after conservation works have been completed.

(3)        That the Williamson Family Tree be transferred to the Records Office for conservation, storage and safekeeping and that should the City Council wish to take forward a project relating to Williamson Park in future, to accept the assistance offered by the County Council to fund such a project including the preparation of a copy of the family tree.

(4)       That the existing renewals reserve be used to fund the cost of any maintenance and / or restoration, subject to the outcome of survey. In due course a planned programme would be developed which will allow Members to decide on an appropriate specific budget if need be.


(5)        That a full inventory, valuation and condition survey of the non-fixed assets be procured with the results and implications reported back to Members  ...  view the full minutes text for item 64