Issue - meetings

Allocation of a £90k commuted sum to support Affordable Housing delivery at Marlborough Road and the reallocation of £90k from the Private Sector Housing Capital Programme

Meeting: 31/08/2010 - Cabinet (Item 45)

45 Allocation of Affordable Housing S106 Contributions to Adactus Housing Association pdf icon PDF 90 KB

(Councillor with Special Responsibility Councillor Kerr)


Report of the Corporate Director (Regeneration)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Kerr)


Cabinet received a report from the Corporate Director (Regeneration) to obtain Cabinet approval to permit a grant application for £90K from the affordable housing Section 106 commuted sums.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: Approve the £90K grant to Adactus Housing Association from the S106 commuted sum funds, which will provide the necessary funding in this financial year to make the scheme viable, subject to the resultant £90K from the £200K commitment contained in the Private Sector Housing Capital Programme being used to achieve further acquisitions of properties on Bold Street as originally anticipated prior to the Regional Housing Pot funding being reduced.


An agreement will be compiled to confirm the grant. The money will be awarded to the Association at the commencement of the development along with £110K from the Private Sector Housing Capital Programme. The agreement will set out a requirement that the Association must liaise with the Council on any change of use or adaptation to the management of the properties that would impact on the original use and nomination rights.


Option 2: Do not approve the £90K grant to Adactus Housing Association from the S106 commuted sum funds.  There will still be a requirement to provide a £200K commitment from the Private Sector Housing Capital Programme in this financial year, which will ensure the Marlborough Road scheme continues to be viable, but will not enable any opportunities to be gained from releasing £90K of RHP monies for other purposes.  Instead, the £90K S106 money will be used to support an alternative affordable housing project within the district.  To date, partner Registered Social Landlords have submitted informal expressions of interest for a number of possible schemes, which include three schemes in Lancaster city, a scheme to provide 6 x shared ownership properties in rural areas, and two schemes in North Lancaster.  All of these schemes would be subject to formal approval and sufficient funding being identified.  The Marlborough Road scheme is at an advanced stage of preparation and it is fully anticipated that it can be commenced in the near future.


Option 3: Approve the £90K grant and then re-allocate the released funds from the Private Sector Housing Capital Programme into the Disabled Facilities Grant programme (DFG's). Members will recall that the report to Cabinet in June highlighted the need for a waiting list to be introduced to manage the reduction in budget.  Since this was introduced following Cabinet's decision, the service has experienced delays in receiving new referrals from Occupational Therapy at LCC and although officers are in discussions with county to seek a resolution, at this point in time, there is no guarantee that any additional funds allocated to DFG's would be able to be spent or committed by the end of March 2011.   Furthermore, this option offers no benefits in terms of targeting additional financial resources in bringing about  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45