Issue - meetings

Williamson Park

Meeting: 19/01/2010 - Cabinet (Item 115)

115 Williamson Park pdf icon PDF 39 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Ashworth)


Report of Corporate Director (Regeneration) to follow.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Ashworth)


(It was noted that Councillor Blamire had previously declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item in view of her role as Chairman of the Williamson Park Board. Councillor Blamire left the meeting prior to consideration of the item.)


The Corporate Director (Regeneration) submitted a report presenting the latest position with regard to the current and future operation of Williamson Park.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:







1. Transfer the operation of the Park to complete control of the City Council including dissolution of the company. Continue to review the operation and explore potential of providing an improved visitor attraction destination by seeking funding from other agencies / providers in partnership.







































2. Transfer the operation of the park to complete control of the City Council and consider reduction of operation.


This may mean closure of facilities such as Butterfly House, Zoo, Café and/or reduction in standard of grounds maintenance.



3. Transfer the operation of the park to complete control of the City Council, consider reduction of operation and include option to invite companies to tender for various aspects of the current offer.




Officers will be able to utilise the Council systems with regards to financial management (use of general ledger / authority financials) and ‘fit’ with budget monitoring as currently undertaken by the Council.


Clear guidance from the Council’s decision making process regards future operation of the Park with continued close integration with Council Services – effective use of resources.


Officers will have full access to support in respect of HR issues to ensure legal compliance.


Possibility of a revisit to the previously withdrawn heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) bid – based on clearer understanding of the business providing opportunities to address some of the capital funding issues (café roof, condition of butterfly house etc).


Opportunity to integrate the park to a Parks Strategy for the district including stronger links to venues such as Happy Mount Park, Regent Park etc


Reduction in annual grant by the City Council – precise figures would need clarification subject to redundancy costs and maintenance costs associated with closure of buildings and basic health and safety management.







Council could reduce annual grant by receiving income from a third party for operation of part of the Park.




Opportunity to meet with other ‘providers’ and change the current offer of visitor attractions.


Potential for third party to cover building maintenance costs – long term, particularly for café area.

Council may need to consider need for capital support funding to address building condition issues.

















































Loss of significant revenue income from visitor attractions (cost centres of café, zoo and butterfly house are each profitable).


Reduction in levels of maintenance may effect the Dukes summer seasonal production – relatively high profile event locally and regionally.


In order for current visitor attractions to continue to operate effectively there needs to remain an understanding and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 115