111 Room Hire Review PDF 45 KB
(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Thomas)
Report of the Head of Property Services.
(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Thomas)
(It was noted that Councillors Archer, Ashworth and Kerr had previously declared personal and prejudicial interests in the following item in view of their membership of Morecambe Town Council. They all left the meeting prior to consideration of the item.)
The Head of Property Services submitted a report reviewing the process and charges for the hire of rooms and facilities in the Municipal buildings for the next financial year.
The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:
Room hire charges
Option 1
That the hire charges be raised to the proposed level as detailed in the body of the report. This will ensure that the majority of fee paying events make a surplus and may potentially raise income by £6,500 (giving an overall surplus of £9,500 based on 2008/09 bookings), noting that this is separate from inflationary increases already applied during the 2010/11 Draft Budget Process, therefore the additional surplus over and above that already included in the 2010/11 Budget is actually £3,900.
The majority of hirers will only incur small increases in hire charges which it is hoped will not affect their choice of venue. Although any increase in charges will inevitably be unpopular and may result in some hirers seeking alternative venues which could reduce income.
Option 2
No change. This will be popular with hirers but will leave 13.5% of bookings where a hire charge is making a loss. It is envisaged that room hire would continue to make a small surplus.
Registered charitable organisations and local non profit making organisations
Option 1
Remove the 50% discount for registered local charitable organisations and local non profit making organisations and the 25% discount for non local registered charities. This would be extremely unpopular with these organisations and combined with the proposed increase in hire charges would have a detrimental effect on their events. This is likely to result in the cancellation of such events, adverse publicity and a loss of income.
Option 2
Introduce a single discount rate of 25%. This would increase the Council’s income by £2,600 but is likely to be unpopular with hirers who have previously enjoyed a 50% reduction. It may result in adverse publicity and some seeking an alternative venue or not holding their event at all.
Option 3
Extend the 50% discount to include all registered charities. This would have little impact on income, would simplify the charging format, and may attract other hirers which would ultimately increase income.
Option 4
No change. Retain the 50% discount for registered local charitable organisations and local non profit making organisations and the 25% discount for non local registered charities.
Performing Rights Society (PRS) Fees
Option 1
Recharge the hirers incurring fees under the PRS music licence the actual cost of those fees. This would be a saving for the Council and only the hirers incurring the charges would be affected.
Option 2
No change. Lancaster City ... view the full minutes text for item 111