Issue - meetings

YMCA Places of Change

Meeting: 02/09/2008 - Cabinet (Item 56)

56 YMCA Places of Change pdf icon PDF 36 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor John Gilbert)


Report to follow.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Gilbert)


The Corporate Director (Community Services) submitted a report informing members of the developments planned by YMCA Lancaster and seeking approval for the City Council to become the accountable body for the funding of £1.5 million from Communities and Local Government for this project.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1: Agree to the City Council becoming the accountable body for the public money being made available from CLG to the Doorstep Supported Accommodation Scheme, subject to the asset management working group being satisfied that any risks and liability for over spends are on the part of Adactus/YMCA and not the City Council. The development agreement drawn up with Adactus/YMCA would also make it clear that the City Council do not expect to provide any revenue funding for the scheme.


This would enable the rest of the YMCA building to be developed, subject to the drawing up of a formal development agreement which satisfies the Council’s financial and legal officers that risks are not being borne by the City Council.


This option would enable a project to go ahead, at no financial cost to the City Council, drawing in substantial funding from other sources, and meeting needs which the City Council itself has identified.


The Adactus scheme at the YMCA premises would still go ahead having secured funding from the Housing Corporation.






That outcomes set by CLG as conditions of funding are not met – conditions are 1) to increase the number of clients positively moving on to independent or more appropriate accommodation; and 2) increase the number of clients moving into education and employment


Medium – the additional accommodation linked to the project has secured  funding from the Housing Corporation . It is difficult to predict employment outcomes some years hence as these will partly be influenced by the wider economic environment.

Low – outcomes are not related to the completion of the building but to achievements which can only be measured after building has been in use for a period of time. They do not therefore put the Council at any financial risk.

On completion of the capital project, a new project management group needs to be set up to ensure these outcomes are met. This will include YMCA, the City Council and other statutory bodies.

The building is not completed to budget. The risks are

·         A risk of overspend

·         A risk of major works not being done

·         A lowering of the quality of finishes to an unacceptable level

Low – The development agreement route proposed with Adactus RSL should ensure that LCC are not liable for any cost overruns.


Should unforeseen costs arise, they will be paid for by a corresponding reduction of costs from another budget line.

High – There is a fixed budget and no further monies will be available from CLG.



Manage project capital phase to LAMP procedures and protocols.

The building  ...  view the full minutes text for item 56