Issue - meetings

Review of Sheltered Housing Management Arrangements.

Meeting: 31/07/2008 - Cabinet (Item 42)

42 Review of Sheltered Housing Management Arrangements pdf icon PDF 36 KB

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor David Kerr)


Report of Corporate Director (Community Services)



(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor David Kerr)


The Corporate Director (Community Services) submitted a report identifying weaknesses within the existing arrangements for managing the Council’s Sheltered Housing Schemes and proposing a more flexible approach utilising non resident managers for Category I Schemes.


The options and options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


(i)                                  Redesignate the Prospect Grove Sheltered Scheme as Non Residential.








Option 1

To continue with existing arrangements


Tenants would not see any changes in service and would retain the perceived comfort of having a resident warden


The Service would not have sufficient flexibility to meet individual tenants Support Plans.  The Council would not be able to meet the Quality Assessment Framework Service Standards.


Option 2

To redesignate Prospect Grove as Non Residential



There would be increased flexibility to respond to the wider needs of the service and of individual tenants


Some residents are concerned about the loss of a Residential Scheme Manager.



(ii)                                Redesignate the Penhale Gardens and Altham Walk Schemes to become non residential as and when managers posts become vacant.







Option 1

To redesignate the schemes as posts become vacant


This would enable the service to provide even greater levels of flexibility in delivering support to vulnerable tenants


There are a minority of tenants who would prefer to retain the services of a Residential Scheme Manager


Option 2

To continue with existing arrangements


Tenants would not see any changes in the service and would retain the perceived comfort of having a residential scheme manager


The Council would not have sufficient flexibility to meet individual support plans or meet the QAF Standards if any Scheme Managers were absent from work


(iii)                              Conversion of Scheme Manager’s House, Prospect Grove.







Option 1

Not to proceed with the conversion


There would be a saving of £15,000 conversion costs and the Council would continue to receive rental income


The proposals for non residential scheme management would not work efficiently without the provision of an office base.

It is difficult to envisage an alternative use for the house.


Option 2

To convert the Scheme Manager’s House



Conversion would facilitate arrangements for providing an efficient “mobile” non residential service. There would also be an opportunity to provide a guest bedroom for visitors to Prospect Grove


The HRA would loose ongoing rental income for the house (currently £3,419pa).


(iv)                              Opting Out of the Community Alarm Service – Ground Floor Flats, Ryelands and Vale.







Option 1

To approve the opt out.


Would enable the  better use of the flats to meet the housing needs of applicants.



There could be a potential loss of income for alarm monitoring (a maximum of £2,027pa).

Option 2

To continue with existing arrangements.



Would ensure alarm monitoring income is retained.


Would result in flats continuing to be allocated inappropriately, as tenants of these flats generally don’t have support needs and the alarm service is of no value to them.


The Officer preferred options were set  ...  view the full minutes text for item 42