Issue - meetings

The Future Strategy for Neighbourhood Management in Lancaster District

Meeting: 31/07/2008 - Cabinet (Item 38)

38 The Development of Neighbourhood Management Arrangements for the District pdf icon PDF 39 KB

(Cabinet Member with special responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


Report of Corporate Director (Community Services)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Roger Mace)


The Corporate Director (Community Services) submitted a report suggesting a model for the way that Neighbourhood Management could be developed in Lancaster District and seeking approval to develop that approach into a practical implementation plan.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1


This is the option as outlined in this report which builds on the success of Neighbourhood Management so far whilst utilising modest resources in integrating the Neighbourhood Management approach into the mainstream activity of the City Council and its partners within the LSP.




That insufficient resources are made available thus diluting the impact of this changed way of working.  This can be overcome, should members approve the recommendations set out in the report, by developing this approach further and identifying the resource requirements required to deliver it.  These could then be fed into the budget process and if approved, the proposals could go ahead.


Option 2           


Researching and bringing forward other neighbourhood models.




There has been much interaction between the Neighbourhood Management Pathfinder in Poulton and other neighbourhood initiatives nationally since 2002.  Visits have been conducted to other programmes, lessons learnt at national conferences and best practice shared by neighbourhood renewal advisors.  It is not envisaged that any significant new approach is likely to be uncovered and momentum is lost.


Option 3


This is a ‘do nothing’ option which assumes that the current Neighbourhood Management programme finishes in 2010 when the Area Based Grant allocation ceases and it is no longer possible to support Neighbourhood Management in Morecambe’s West End.




            That the learning from the past six years of operating successful Neighbourhood Management is wasted and that an opportunity to develop a new cross-cutting, neighbourhood, agenda with our partners is lost.


The Officer preferred option was option 1 which, as outlined in the report, allowed for an integrated approach whilst keeping costs to a realistic minimum.


It was moved by Councillor Mace and seconded by Councillor Gilbert:-


 “1        That a Cabinet Liaison Group be formed, chaired by the Portfolio Holder responsible for Neighbourhood Management, to advise the Cabinet Portfolio Holder on options for the development of neighbourhood management arrangements for the District. The terms of reference for the Group to be that it should examine the options of an effective model for the delivery of Neighbourhood Management, considering how this would integrate into mainstream service delivery for Lancaster City Council, and how such a model would relate to the LDLSP, and the community engagement agenda, and be supportive of the Council’s priorities and Core Values around Putting Our Customers First and Leading Our Communities.


2                    That a further report be brought forward considering the outcomes of the Cabinet Liaison Group and setting out how Neighbourhood Management could be practically implemented in 2009/10, and the resource implications of such implementation.


3                    That, as an interim measure, the existing functions of Strategic Housing be moved out of Neighbourhood Task  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38