Decision details

International Youth Games 2012/13

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Sands)


Cabinet received a report from the Head of Community Engagement in order to seek members’ views regarding hosting of the International Youth Games in 2013.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1

To send teams to Rendsberg 2012 and to host the International Youth Games  in 2013

Option 2

To send teams to Rendsberg in 2012 and not to host in 2013.

Option 3

To withdraw from both Rendsberg 2012 and the hosting opportunity in 2013


Continue to shape the benefits of the Games beyond those of sport and more strongly align with corporate priorities as referred to within this report.


Exploration of tourism opportunities that may exist between the countries.


Provide opportunities for partners to become involved particularly with the hosting – maximising the diverse and unique offer the district provides.


Opportunities to develop the role of the civic delegation.


Financial savings to the Council in 2013/14 – in the region of £53k.

Financial savings to the Council in 2012/13 in the region of £5k and £53k in 2013/14.


In order to host the games staff resources will need to be maximised and work commence as soon as possible in order to put arrangements in place.


Significant cost to the Council

Missed opportunity to showcase the district to the region on a sporting and cultural front.


Missed opportunities to further develop other potential (as yet unexplored) benefits taking part in the games might provide.


Potential negative impact upon the Council’s reputation


 Missed opportunity to showcase the district to the region on a sporting and cultural front.


Missed opportunities to further develop other potential (as yet unexplored) benefits taking part in the games might provide.


Potential negative impact upon the Council’s reputation





An early decision is required with respect to attendance at Rendsberg and also hosting. Delay could increase the risk of venues not being available nearer the time.





There is a risk that the invitation to Rendsberg may be withdrawn.


There is a possibility (although unlikely) that the invitation to Aalborg this year could be withdrawn.

Unlikely that any future invitation to participate in the Games would be received.


Following the recent elections, this report provided an opportunity for the new Cabinet to reaffirm (or otherwise) its commitment to continue to take part in the International Youth Games in the light of the ongoing difficult financial climate and the Council’s current priorities.  The Officer preferred option was Option 1. Taking part in future International Youth Games provided an opportunity to showcase the district to the region on a sporting and cultural front in addition to other potential benefits which could be developed to offer more support to the Council’s corporate priorities.



Councillor Blamire proposed, seconded by Councillor Bryning:-


“(1)      That Cabinet reaffirms the Council’s commitment to participate in the International Youth Games in Rendsberg in 2012 and to act as host to the Games in 2013.


(2)        That arrangements be made to set aside funds from the previous year’s underspending to assist with the costs incurred in hosting the Games and these be factored into the next MTFS update.”



Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:



(1)        That Cabinet reaffirms the Council’s commitment to participate in the International Youth Games in Rendsberg in 2012 and to act as host to the Games in 2013.


(2)        That arrangements be made to set aside funds from the previous year’s underspending to assist with the costs incurred in hosting the Games and these be factored into the next MTFS update.



Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Head of Community Engagement

Head of Financial Services



Reasons for making the decision:


An early decision prior to the main budget process will provide sufficient time to plan and organise the hosting of the Games in 2013.  Attendance and hosting of the International Youth Games helps support Council priorities including visitor economy and partnership working and an opportunity to showcase the district to the region on a sporting and cultural front in addition to other potential benefits which could be developed to offer more support to the Council’s corporate priorities.


Report author: Richard Tulej

Publication date: 02/08/2011

Date of decision: 26/07/2011

Decided at meeting: 26/07/2011 - Cabinet

Effective from: 10/08/2011

Accompanying Documents: