Decision details

Lancaster District Economic Vision

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Update on the development of the District's Economic Vision within the context of the Sustainable Community Strategy


(Cabinet Members with Special Responsibility Councillors Archer and Bryning)


The Corporate Director (Regeneration) submitted a report to update Cabinet on emerging policy from national government, to advise on progress regarding the refresh of the District’s Economic vision and the work of Lancaster District Local Strategic Partnership, in relation to the local economy.


The options and options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1 Approve the proposed framework for delivery of the Economic Vision, including the five Area Themes. This option allows for quick progress towards development of Investment Strategies and for the Council and the District to be well prepared to deal with a delegation of funds to the local area at an early stage. Whilst it reflects local priorities, it takes account of funders’ requirements to maximise opportunities for funding. As the proposal is based on the current policy framework and therefore fits with corporate objectives and those of the LDLSP, this option does not suggest any obvious disadvantages.


Option 2 Develop an alternative framework for delivery of the Economic Vision. This option allows for development of alternative themes but activity will still need to relate clearly to the current policy framework. Development of an alternative approach, consultation with partners and further liaison with funders would be likely to take some months, delaying progress and potentially losing opportunities for funding.


Option 1 is the preferred option. This approach provides a useful way forward that relates to the existing policy framework, has been developed in partnership and takes account of funders’ requirements, maximising opportunities to bring regeneration funding into the District.


Councillor Bryning proposed, and Councillor Charles seconded:-


“(1)   That Members note the update on the emerging policy framework, including the Government White Paper - ‘Transforming Places – Changing Lives’.


(2)     That Members note progress of the LDLSP Economy Thematic Group Action Plan, which will be presented for approval by the Council as part of the Sustainable Community Strategy.


(3)     That Cabinet approves the proposed strategic framework for the Economic Vision, based on the LDLSP Action Plan, including the five Area Themes.


(4)     That the refreshed Economic Vision and Action Plan are presented to Council with a recommendation that these are formally accepted as an update of the Council’s Economic Regeneration Strategy.


(5)     That Cabinet approves the submission of a funding application to provide a fully developed Investment Strategy and detailed Performance Framework for the proposed Economic Regeneration Strategy, that will provide funders with the strong investment rationale they require and that should the bid be successful, the Revenue Budget will be updated accordingly.


(6)     That Cabinet notes the proposed arrangements for a mid term review of the West End Masterplan as set out in section 2.4 of the report.


(7)     That Cabinet approves the immediate removal of the Central Park project from the West End Masterplan and Capital Programme, and that this be built into the capital update for referral on to Council.”


Members then voted as follows:


(Votes were taken on each recommendation in turn).


Resolved unanimously:


(1)     That Members note the update on the emerging policy framework, including the Government White Paper - ‘Transforming Places – Changing Lives’.


(2)     That Members note progress of the LDLSP Economy Thematic Group Action Plan, which will be presented for approval by the Council as part of the Sustainable Community Strategy.


(7 Members (Councillors Archer, Bryning, Burns, Charles, Gilbert, Kerr and Mace) voted for, 2 Members (Councillors Barry and Fletcher) abstained)


(3)     That Cabinet approves the proposed strategic framework for the Economic Vision, based on the LDLSP Action Plan, including the five Area Themes.


(4)     That the refreshed Economic Vision and Action Plan are presented to Council with a recommendation that these are formally accepted as an update of the Council’s Economic Regeneration Strategy.


(5)     That Cabinet approves the submission of a funding application to provide a fully developed Investment Strategy and detailed Performance Framework for the proposed Economic Regeneration Strategy, that will provide funders with the strong investment rationale they require and that should the bid be successful, the Revenue Budget will be updated accordingly.


Resolved unanimously:


(6)     That Cabinet notes the proposed arrangements for a mid term review of the West End Masterplan as set out in section 2.4 of the report.


(8 Members (Councillors Archer, Bryning, Burns, Charles, Fletcher, Gilbert, Kerr and Mace) voted for, 1 Member (Councillor Barry) abstained)


(7)         That Cabinet approves the immediate removal of the Central Park project from the West End Masterplan and Capital Programme, and that this be built into the capital update for referral on to Council.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration)

Head of Economic Development and Tourism


Reason for making the decision:


This approach will provide a useful way forward that relates to the existing policy framework, has been developed in partnership and takes account of funders’ requirements, maximising opportunities to bring regeneration funding into the District.

Publication date: 09/10/2008

Date of decision: 07/10/2008

Decided at meeting: 07/10/2008 - Cabinet

Effective from: 18/10/2008

Accompanying Documents: