Decision details

Festival & Events

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


A review of Festival and Events, including the Festivals Innovation Fund (FIF) and the Maritime Festival. A report covering the Maritime Festival will also be produced for Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Budget and Performance Panel.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Shirley Burns)


The Head of Democratic Services submitted a report requesting Cabinet to consider a referral regarding Festivals and Events from the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The recommendations arose from an original report on Festivals and Events, which the Head of Cultural Services presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 9th July 2008. The original report was appended to the Cabinet agenda for information and contained the options and options analysis (including risk assessment) which were put to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


The report contained Officer comments regarding the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


It was moved by Councillor Barry and seconded by Councillor Blamire:-


“(1)    That the Festivals and Events programme arrangements be revised as itemised below:


·            Lancaster City Council’s Cultural Services to continue to offer direct and indirect support to Festivals and Events within the District, in accordance with the City Council’s Corporate Plan Regeneration Objective; - “Attract visitors to the district by promotion of cultural events” or to support priorities within the Community Strategy.


·            The above addresses and resolves the concerns expressed in Paragraph 2.11 in the report of the Head of Cultural Services to Overview and Scrutiny Committee, (see Appendix A), as part of the original rationale for reviewing the Festivals Innovation Fund (FIF).


·            To form a Cabinet Liaison Group, responsible for developing and reviewing Festival & Events policy and programmes, based on the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities and that this Group also be responsible for developing partnership opportunities with the private and voluntary sectors for other festivals and events.


·            To identify a lead officer responsible for the planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluating of the festivals and events programme, whether organised directly or “in partnership” (e.g. via FIF support) with Cultural Services.


(2)               That Cabinet notes that the revision of the Festivals and Events programme arrangements could be incorporated into the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme as a possible task group.


(3)               That Cabinet notes the recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that monitoring of the Festivals Programme be referred to the Budget and Performance Panel in accordance with their terms of reference and the recommendations of the Grants Task Group.


(4)               That a report be presented to Cabinet on why Cabinet was told, just prior to the 2008 budget that an extra £10K was required for the 2008 maritime festival, when Cabinet had previously been told that the festival was fully funded.


(5)               That the Festivals and Events programme be delivered within the approved budget.”


Members then voted as follows:-




(9 members (Councillors Archer, Barry, Blamire, Bryning, Burns, Charles, Fletcher, Gilbert and Mace) voted in favour and 1 member (Councillor Kerr) abstained):


(1)     That the Festivals and Events programme arrangements be revised as itemised below:


·            Lancaster City Council’s Cultural Services to continue to offer direct and indirect support to Festivals and Events within the District, in accordance with the City Council’s Corporate Plan Regeneration Objective; - “Attract visitors to the district by promotion of cultural events” or to support priorities within the Community Strategy.


·            The above addresses and resolves the concerns expressed in Paragraph 2.11 in the report of the Head of Cultural Services to Overview and Scrutiny Committee, (see Appendix A), as part of the original rationale for reviewing the Festivals Innovation Fund (FIF).


·            To form a Cabinet Liaison Group, responsible for developing and reviewing Festival & Events policy and programmes, based on the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities and that this Group also be responsible for developing partnership opportunities with the private and voluntary sectors for other festivals and events.


·            To identify a lead officer responsible for the planning, delivery, monitoring and evaluating of the festivals and events programme, whether organised directly or “in partnership” (e.g. via FIF support) with Cultural Services.


(2)     That Cabinet notes that the revision of the Festivals and Events programme arrangements could be incorporated into the Overview and Scrutiny Work Programme as a possible task group.


(3)     That Cabinet notes the recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee that monitoring of the Festivals Programme be referred to the Budget and Performance Panel in accordance with their terms of reference and the recommendations of the Grants Task Group.


(4)               That a report be presented to Cabinet on why Cabinet was told, just prior to the 2008 budget that an extra £10K was required for the 2008 maritime festival, when Cabinet had previously been told that the festival was fully funded.


(5)     That the Festivals and Events programme be delivered within the approved budget.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration)

Head of Cultural Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision is broadly in line with the recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and also reflects Cabinet’s wish for Member involvement in the future development and review of festivals and events policy and programmes. Recommendation 1 supports the officer preferred option set out in paragraph 4.3 of the report to Overview and Scrutiny Committee, with an addition which recognises the priorities within the Sustainable Community Strategy.  Recommendations 2 and 3 provide checks and balances via the Overview and Scrutiny process.  Recommendations 4 and 5 seek to improve financial management within the Service.

Publication date: 04/08/2008

Date of decision: 31/07/2008

Decided at meeting: 31/07/2008 - Cabinet

Effective from: 12/08/2008

Accompanying Documents: