Decision details

Morecambe Centre Area Action Plan. Revision to Local development Scheme

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To seek Cabinet authority to prepare an Area Action Plan for central Morecambe, amend the existing Development Agreement covering the Central Promenade Area and submit a bid for external funding under the "Sea Change" initiative.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Archer)


The Corporate Director (Regeneration) submitted a report requesting Cabinet’s approval to undertake an Area Action Plan for Morecambe Centre under the terms of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004. The report also sought Cabinet approval to revise the Local Development Scheme for submission to the Government Office for the North West.


The options and options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1 – Produce only those documents contained in the existing Local Development Scheme, albeit to revised timetables. This would increase the potential of being able to produce the Land Allocations and Development Control Policies documents within a reasonable timescale and within existing resource availability.


Option 2 - Produce those documents contained in the existing Local Development Scheme, albeit to revised timetables, in addition to the Morecambe Centre Area Action Plan. This would retain the ability to produce the Land Allocations and Development Control Policies documents within a reasonable timescale whilst also producing the Area Action Plan. This, however, would require extra resources to be directed to the Council’s plan making function.


Option 3 – Prioritise the Morecambe Centre Action Area Plan and delay production of other LDF documents. This would increase the likelihood of being able to produce the Area Action plan within a reasonable timescale and within existing resource availability but would delay other key documents which would undermine the Council’s Planning Framework, create uncertainty in the development industry and in the minds of the public. This option may also prejudice bids for external funding and future Housing and Planning Delivery grant settlements.


Option 2 is the officer preferred option as this would ensure an up-to-date planning framework which would help maximise the potential to promote the sustainable regeneration of the District whilst making a significant step in promoting the Council’s regeneration priority of central Morecambe.


Councillor Kerr moved, and Councillor Archerseconded:-


“That Cabinet:


(1)        Authorises the production of an Area Action Plan for Morecambe Centre in accordance with Option 2 in the report, in addition to the other Local Development Documents already committed in the Local Development Scheme;


(2)        Instructs the Head of Planning Services to produce a revised Local Development Scheme, including detailed project plans for each document with relevant portfolio holders, for consideration at a future cabinet meeting.”


Members then voted as follows:



Resolved unanimously:


That Cabinet:


(1)        Authorises the production of an Area Action Plan for Morecambe Centre in accordance with Option 2 in the report, in addition to the other Local Development Documents already committed in the Local Development Scheme;


(2)        Instructs the Head of Planning and Building Control to produce a revised Local Development Scheme, including detailed project plans for each document with relevant portfolio holders, for consideration at a future cabinet meeting.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration)

Head of Planning and Building Control


Reason for making the decision:


The decision will ensure an up-to-date planning framework which will help maximise the potential to promote the sustainable regeneration of the District whilst making a significant step in promoting the Council’s regeneration priority of central Morecambe. The involvement of Cabinet portfolio holders ensures that the recommendations put before Cabinet will be those of the Cabinet members.

Report author: David Lawson

Publication date: 09/10/2008

Date of decision: 07/10/2008

Decided at meeting: 07/10/2008 - Cabinet

Effective from: 18/10/2008

Accompanying Documents: