Decision details

Storey Creative Industries Centre: Capital Project Update

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To provide an update on the Storey Creative Industries capital project and to seek approval for the acceptance of any additional external resources offered.


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Mace)


(Councillor Bryning declared a personal interest in the following item in view of his appointment by the City Council Cabinet as a member of the Storey Board)


The Corporate Director (Regeneration) submitted a report providing an update on the Storey Creative Industries capital project progress and asking Cabinet to approve the application for potentially additional external resources.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:





Risk and Mitigation

Option 1


Accept the recommendation of the Project Executive for funding applications to be made for additional resources and the Storey Capital Project to be increased in line with available external funding  and work implemented.

·     Assists the project partners in delivering  important additional elements of the scheme.

·     Allows for additional  elements to contribute to the business plan.

·     Contributes towards achievement of EDZ spend targets

·     Council is accustomed to dealing and contracting with third parties to deliver spend and project objectives.


This is the preferred option.


·     Accountable body status confers additional risk and responsibility on the Council for additional funds.

·     Ability of the Project team to deliver on spend deadlines.

·       Project management is working efficiently and spend can be accommodated under existing arrangements.    


·       Council has already taken on Accountable status for the capital project to date. 


Option 2


Cabinet does not accept the recommendation.

·     No advantages identified given previous Cabinet commitments to supporting the project.

·    Failure to deliver against a major additional funding opportunity offered at a high level by NWDA.

·    Potential loss of confidence  in Council by end user key partners.


·         Non-delivery of spend and benefits would not contribute to the project business plan.. 


Option 1 is the preferred option as it provides the Council with the ability to deliver additional facilities and space in support of the project business plan and currently provides the only mechanism by which the Council can make additional capital funding available.


It was moved by Councillor Mace and seconded by Councillor Kerr:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Members then voted as follows:-




8 Members (Councillors Barry, Blamire, Burns, Charles, Fletcher, Gilbert, Kerr and Mace) voted in favour and 1 member (Councillor Bryning) abstained.


That Cabinet


(1)     endorses submission of bids to the NWDA and ERDF for additional funds to extend the capital scheme and


(2)     authorises the Head of Financial Services to amend the capital programme  accordingly on approval of the additional resources.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration)

Head of Economic Development and Tourism





Reasons for making the decision:


The decision provides the Council with the ability to deliver additional facilities and space in support of the project business plan and a mechanism by which the Council can make additional capital funding available.

Publication date: 04/09/2008

Date of decision: 02/09/2008

Decided at meeting: 02/09/2008 - Cabinet

Effective from: 12/09/2008

Accompanying Documents: