Issue - decisions

Advancing the Local Plan for Lancaster District

08/12/2017 - Advancing the Local Plan for Lancaster District



(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Hanson)


Cabinet received a report from the Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning) to secure Cabinet’s endorsement of recommendations with regard to the Local Plan prior to it being considered by Council.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1:  Endorse the recommendation of the intention to take the Local Plan for Lancaster District to Council to seek a resolution to publish, obtain formal representations and submit to the government for Independent Examination whilst acknowledging the challenge,  risks and costs of advancing the emerging plan

Option 2: Do not endorse the recommendation of the intention to take the Local Plan for Lancaster District to Council seeking  a resolution to publish, obtain formal representations and submit to the government for Independent Examination whilst acknowledging the challenge, risks and costs of advancing the emerging plan


Officers can continue the process of preparing the plan for presentation with council in the knowledge that this process has been endorsed by Cabinet

None apparent


None apparent

Officers would continue the process of preparing the plan for presentation with council but in the knowledge that this this process had not presently been endorsed by Cabinet


None apparent

When making a decision on the publication and submission of the plan the Council would not have the benefit of the Cabinet endorsement of the process, however, that would not have implications for the council’s consideration of the plan that will be presented


Option 1 is the preferred officer option.  Officers recommend that the emerging proposed Local Plan is finalised for presentation to Council, potentially on 20th December 2017.


The intended publication edition of the Local Plan, specifically the Strategic Policies & Land Allocations DPD, and a review of the Development Management Policies DPD, are at an advanced stage of preparation. It is anticipated that these will reported to Council on 20th December 2017. Whilst many issues are still to resolved a delay in advancing the Local Plan will mean that the current development plan policies will become further out of date, exposing the Council to an increasing risk of losing appeals on sites that do not represent sustainable development. Failure to advance the plan will also greatly undermine the opportunity to secure very significant financial contributions that can address the district’s deficits in highway and transport infrastructure, through time-sensitive fund-bidding processes.


Councillor Hanson proposed, seconded by Councillor Warriner:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)             That Cabinet support the intention to take the Local Plan for Lancaster District to Council, anticipated on 20th December 2017, with a recommendation seeking a resolution to publish the Local Plan for Lancaster District, obtain formal representations and then submit the document to the government for Independent Examination. This will ensure that the relevant regulations are followed and will enable stakeholders, including residents, to have their view on the soundness of the plan and its preparation processes. The submitted documents will then be considered by a government appointed Inspector.

(2)             That Cabinet acknowledges the challenges and inherent risks in advancing a complex local plan which aims to establish a long-term development strategy designed to support and facilitate growth, realise significant economic opportunity and boost the supply of housing within a district that is characterised by its heritage assets, its protected landscapes and its international and local environmental designations, whilst presently constrained by the ability of its infrastructure to accommodate further growth.

(3)             That Cabinet acknowledges that the task of advancing the Local Plan through to adoption has resource implications that will evolve as challenges to the submitted plan emerge and evolve; the Chief Officer (Regeneration and Planning) will need both capacity and flexibility to ensure that resources are available and deployed, particularly in financial year 2018/19 to address this challenge.  

Officer responsible for effecting the decision:


Chief Officer (Regeneration & Planning)


Reasons for making the decision:


Preparation of the Local Plan is a Corporate Priority.  Cabinet has endorsed the proposals to take the Local Plan for Lancaster District to Council with a recommendation seeking a Council resolution to publish the plan, obtain formal representations and then submit the document to the government for the process of Independent Examination.  This will ensure that the relevant regulations are followed and will enable stakeholders, including residents, to have their view on the soundness of the plan and its preparation processes considered by an Inspector.