Issue - decisions

Capital receipts

23/02/2009 - Capital Receipts

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Archer)


The Corporate Director (Regeneration) submitted a report updating Cabinet on the current position with the planned major receipts and to consider adopting a Disposal Strategy for the Council as part of a Medium Term Corporate Property Strategy.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment, were set out in the report as follows:


Option 1 – That the current position with capital receipts is noted and that the Disposal Strategy be adopted. This would build on the Corporate Property Strategy provide an improved framework for managing the Council’s asset disposal process.


Option 2 - That the current position with capital receipts is noted but that the Disposal Strategy is not adopted. The existing guidance of the Corporate Property Strategy would be maintained although this is now out of date and does not meet the Council’s current priorities.


Option 1 is the officer preferred option. The adoption of the Disposal Strategy provides an improved framework for managing the Council’s asset disposal process.


It was moved by Councillor Archer and seconded by Councillor Kerr:-


“(1)      That the position with regard to capital receipts be noted.


(2)               That the Disposal Strategy be adopted to act as guidance to the Council in the disposal of assets to achieve the need for capital receipts.”


By way of amendment, which was accepted as a friendly amendment by the mover and seconder of the original proposition, Councillor Mace proposed and Councillor Fletcher seconded:


“(2)      That the recommendation for the Disposal Strategy to be adopted be deferred until the Cabinet meeting on 17th March 2009.”


Members then voted as follows:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)        That the position with regard to capital receipts be noted.


(2)        That the recommendation for the Disposal Strategy to be adopted be deferred until the Cabinet meeting on 17th March 2009.


Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Corporate Director (Regeneration)

Head of Property Services


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision will allow Cabinet to consider the Council’s Disposal Strategy at its meeting in March 2009.