Agenda item

Progress with the Community Housing Fund

(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Warriner)


Report of Planning Manager (Regeneration and Planning)


(Cabinet Member with Special Responsibility Councillor Warriner)


Cabinet received a report from the Planning Manager (Regeneration & Planning) to set aside funding for the development of a sub-regional Community Housing Hub with neighbouring local authorities and to create a new fixed term Community Housing Fund Development Officer post.


The options, options analysis, including risk assessment and officer preferred option, were set out in the report as follows:



Option 1: Proceed with setting up a Community Housing Hub and create an officer resource through direct recruitment or through the Hub

Option 2: Only provide funding for officer support.

Option 3: Do not proceed with either option


It will improve access to and increase the range of specialist services available to Community Groups that will not otherwise be available.  It will provide the direct officer support required.

It will create a local resource to directly support groups in Lancaster district.

There will be no budget implications.


The funding could be spent on other projects.

The funding could be spent on other projects.  Option 2 would not increase the range of specialist services available to Community Groups although there would be a local resource, it would potentially take longer for schemes to come to fruition.

There would be very little direct support available to support groups to bring projects forward. The capacity within the existing establishment will result in delays in bringing schemes forward due to lack of specialist input and the momentum of projects would be lost.


The effectiveness of the Hub will rely on the successful Provider who are likely to be based in Cumbria. 

It may be difficult to find a candidate that has the skills and knowledge required for the position.  Using the Hub as a means of securing direct officer support will not provide the equivalent hours

The council may be unable to fill the vacancy.  It is unlikely that the Hub Provider would be able to provide direct support if Lancaster City Council is not involved in the Hub partnership. 

Loss of opportunities

Reputational damage if the budget is not used for its intended purpose.

Lack of delivery could hinder the future funding opportunities available.

MHCLG may seek to recoup the allocation and direct it elsewhere.


The Officer Preferred Option is Option 1.  The establishment of a sub-regional Community Housing Hub will improve access to and increase the range of specialist services required to bring Community Led developments into fruition, building on the successes of some of the schemes already completed or being brought forward in Cumbria.  Along with the provision of direct   support (either through a recruitment process or through a Hub) will ensure that Community Groups will have the necessary support and assistance required.  This is particularly important if bids are made for capital grant due to the requirements of Homes England in terms of the quality of bids, acquiring Investment Partner Status, and in some instances, acquiring Registered Provider status for the management of rented units.  


Community Led developments provide an opportunity to diversify the housing market in Lancaster district and increase the provision of affordable housing.  Given that a further announcement of £163M national funding to support these initiatives and the fact that the council was successful in receiving the         original allocation of £707K in 2016/17, funds have been put in place to provide a robust framework of support for local community groups without any     direct impact on other council resources. 


Councillor Hanson proposed, seconded by Councillor Hughes:-


“That the recommendations, as set out in the report, be approved.”


Councillors then voted:-


Resolved unanimously:


(1)             That the progress being made within this region in relation to the development of a Community Led Housing Hub be noted.

(2)             That funding from the Community Housing Fund be set aside to enable a contribution of up to £15K for Year 1 set up costs for a Community Led Housing Hub, and that where there is opportunity to do so, officers be authorised to submit a bid for continued revenue funding for the Hub in future years, either through Homes England or other relevant external funding sources.


(3)             That further funding of up to £40K from the Community Housing Fund also be set aside to support the creation of a new fixed term part-time post (21 hours per week) for up to two years from initial appointment.


(4)             That, in the event that Lancaster City Council is unable to recruit a suitable candidate, the equivalent budget is used to purchase direct support from the Community Housing Hub Provider if capacity exists. 

(5)             That the Interim Financial Services Manager/Section 151 Officer be authorised to update the General Fund Revenue Budget to reflect any decisions taken under recommendation 2 and 3 to be funded from the Revenue Grants Unapplied Reserve, and for continuation of the Hub in future years through additional external funding bids where appropriate to do so, and subject to there being a nil impact on the Council’s resources.

Officers responsible for effecting the decision:


Planning Manager (Regeneration & Planning)

Interim Financial Services Manager/Section 151 Officer


Reasons for making the decision:


The decision is consistent with a success measure within the Corporate Plan to improve the quality and availability of housing, including the provision of affordable housing in some instances.  In addition, it is consistent with the Lancaster District Housing Strategy, as it will increase the opportunities for specific groups to bring forward community led schemes tailored to their own needs and objectives providing a more diverse housing offer.

Supporting documents: