Agenda item

St Georges Quay Development Site, St Georges Quay, Lancaster

Erection of 149 dwellings with associated landscaping and car parking (pursuant to the variation of conditions 2, 4, 6, 7, 12 and 30 and removal of condition 25 on planning permission 14/01186/VCN to amend the layout to include the substation, agree external materials and detailing of the development, reduce the minimum recess from 100mm to 85mm for doors and windows to the frontage units, to vary the trigger for the implementation of an agreed off-site highway improvement scheme and to remove the requirements for a risk assessment to be agreed alongside Network Rail’s operational land).




Erection of 149 dwellings with associated landscaping and car parking (pursuant to the variation of conditions 2, 4, 6, 7, 12 and 30 and removal of condition 25 on planning permission 14/01186/VCN to amend the layout to include the substation, agree external materials and detailing of the development, reduce the minimum recess from 100mm to 85mm for doors and windows to the frontage units, to vary the trigger for the implementation of an agreed off-site highway improvement scheme and to remove the requirements for a risk assessment to be agreed alongside Network Rails operational land) for Mr Chris Gowlett.

Marsh Ward


It was proposed by Councillor Abbott Bryning and seconded by Councillor Dave Brookes:


“That the application be approved.”


Upon being put to the vote, Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




That conditions 2, 4, 6, 7, 12 and 30 be varied as set out in the submission and that condition 25 be removed. The Section 73 application can be granted subject to the following conditions:



Approved Plans list (reflecting and including additional detail agreed by conditions).


In accordance with previously agreed phasing scheme.


Development to be carried out in accordance with agreed materials plan (list materials and colour of windows and detailing/eaves detail).


Minimum recess condition – amended to 85mm in accordance with agreed specification.


Development to be carried out in accordance with agreed sustainability measures.


Development to be carried out in accordance with agreed access details.


Protection of visibility splays (retain as originally worded).


Travel Plan condition.


Refuse and cycle storage provision to be provide and retained.


Agreed landscaping to be implemented and maintained.


No development shall occur within 3 m of the base of the functional and disused railway (retain as originally worded).


Ecological mitigation to be implemented in full (retain as originally worded).


Development to be carried out in accordance with agreed external lighting.


Separate foul and surface water drainage (retain as originally worded).


Development to be carried out in accordance agreed drainage scheme.


Development to be carried out in accordance with site-specific remediation report (contamination).


Development to be carried out in accordance with agreed Construction Method Statement.


Hours of construction (retain as originally worded).


No impact pile driving without noise impact assessment and mitigation being agreed.  TBC subject to ongoing discussions.


Archaeology condition.


Public sewer condition (retain as originally worded).


Development to be carried out in accordance with approved noise mitigation set out in Noise and Vibration report (retain as originally worded).


Development to be carried out in accordance with approved secure by design scheme.


Tree Protection condition (retain but worded tweaked to account for tree protection currently in place).


Flood risk assessment condition (retain as originally worded).


Agreed off-site highway works comprising traffic calming measures to West Road/Lune Road and the stopping up of Long Marsh Lane as a through-route with a turning head as illustrated on the submitted drawings to be implemented in full before the occupation of the 30th dwelling, unless an alternative timetable for implementation is otherwise agreed in writing with the LPA. 


Removal of PD to limit future occupants inserting new windows/doors to the frontage plots. 


Car parking to be made available before occupation of each dwelling house/apartment block and retained at all times thereafter.


Supporting documents: