Agenda item

Farmhouse Tavern And Motel, Morecambe Road, Lancaster

Change of use and conversion of the tavern into five dwellinghouses (C3) including demolition of conservatory and motel building and erection of 11 dwellinghouses (C3) with associated landscaping and parking for Tom Hill




Change of use and conversion of the tavern into five dwellinghouses (C3) including demolition of conservatory and motel building and erection of 11 dwellinghouses (C3) with associated landscaping and parking for Tom Hill

Skerton West Ward



It was proposed by Councillor Dave Brookes and seconded by Councillor Claire Cozler:


“That the application be refused.”


Upon being put to the vote, 11 Members voted in favour of the proposition and 2 against, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




That Planning Permission be refused for the following reasons;



It is considered that the development would not make a positive contribution to the area given inadequate separation distances between dwellings, coupled with a lack of appropriate garden spaces.  It is therefore considered that the scheme has not demonstrated good design and the scheme as proposed would compromise the amenity of future and existing residents due to the over-developed nature of the site, and therefore the scheme would fail to conform to Policy DM35 of the Development Management DPD, Policy SC5 of the Core Strategy, and Section 7 of the National Planning Policy Framework.



The scheme would potentially adversely impact on a large mature preserved copper beach tree that is established close to the existing conservatory, and given the development has the potential to impact on the root protection area of this impressive, protected specimen, the relationship between the development and the tree is unacceptable. In addition the works to the large mature horse chestnut tree, in terms of the extent of pruning required is considered excessive and as such the development is contrary to Policy DM29 of the Development Management DPD.



There are concerns for the setting of the Tavern which results from the siting of Units 6 and 7 in front of the listed building.  It is considered that the harm to the setting of this building has not been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the local planning authority, as there is a lack of clear and convincing justification, and therefore the scheme fails to comply with Policies DM30 and DM32 of the Development Management DPD and Paragraphs 132 and 134 of the National Planning Policy Framework.



The applicant is not proposing any affordable housing as part of the scheme.  Whilst a viability appraisal has been submitted in support of the scheme to demonstrate that it is not viable to support any affordable housing contribution, in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority the applicant needs to reconsider costs put forward as part of the development appraisal as at present there is a lack of confidence in the applicant’s assessment and therefore the scheme is considered contrary to Policy DM41 of the Development Management DPD.



The Tavern is a former public house, and would have previously provided the community of Scale Hall with a valuable local service.  However it is considered that the applicant has failed to provide the necessary compelling and detailed evidence which is required under Policy DM49 of the Development Management DPD to enable the local planning authority to consider its loss is justified and appropriate.




Supporting documents: