Agenda item

Land Between Low Road And Forge Lane, Halton, Lancashire

Outline application for the erection of up to 90 dwellings with associated new access for Mr Martin Nugent




Outline application for the erection of up to 90 dwellings with associated new access for Mr Martin Nugent

Halton-with-Aughton Ward



A site visit was held in respect of this item on 27th March 2017 minute 156 (2016/2017) refers.


It was proposed by Councillor Robert Redfern and seconded by Councillor Sheila Denwood:


“That the application be approved.”


Upon being put to the vote, Members voted unanimously in favour of the proposition, whereupon the Chairman declared the proposal to be carried.




That Outline Planning Permission be granted subject to a section 106 securing up to 40% affordable housing (to be reviewed at revered matters stage only with justifiable viability evidence); the education contribution (to be reviewed at reserved matters stage); an off-site playing pitch improvements contribution; the provision and calculation of informal amenity space (POS) on site, and; mechanisms for ‘in-perpetuity’ maintenance and management of open space, landscaping, private roads and SuDS; and the following conditions:


Standard outline time limit condition.


Development to be carried out in accordance with the ‘developable area’ plan.


All other plans illustrative only.



Surface Water Drainage scheme to be agreed.


Archaeological Investigation.


Ground levels for roads/landscaped areas/POS/SuDS and finish floor levels to dwellings to be submitted and agreed including details of retaining features.


Submission of ecological mitigation and enhancement plan (including method statement to protect River Lune from construction pollution).



Details of the on-site open space to be provided, managed and retained.


Survey for invasive plant species and any scheme for avoidance and eradication.



Surface water management and maintenance plan.


Control conditions (some with details to be agreed)


Access to be provided in accordance with agreed plan.


Protection of visibility splays.


Off-site highway works, including:

·         a suitable pedestrian crossing facility on Low Road;

·         formalising the pinch point on Low Road through signing and lining;

·         provision of continuous footway west of approved access towards the pinch point on the south side of Low Road;

·         provision of footway east of access for 10-15m;

·         relocation and replacement of any lighting columns affected by above works;

·         upgrades to bus stops 2500DCL2176 (Penny Stone Road (by) High Road & 2500DCL2110 (Penny Stone Road (opp)) High Road to quality bus stop standard,

to be implemented before fist occupation or am alternative agreed phased timetable for implementation to be agreed with the LPA in advance.


Development to be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Arboricultural Report.


Development to be carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Noise Report.


A pedestrian footpath, details of such to first be agreed with the LPA, shall be provided between Low Road and the PROW (FP01) before first occupation or in accordance with an alternative agreed phased timetable for implementation.

The above changes do not materially alter the purpose of the condition – just potentially allow some flexibility for phasing of the development.


Within 6 months of Forge Lane becoming adopted a formal cycle/pedestrian link shall be provided, in a location to be determined at the reserved matters stage where the cycle/pedestrian link can connect directly between the development site and the adopted part of the highway, made available and retained at all times thereafter.


Development to be carried out in accordance with contaminated land reports, plus additional site investigation required (in the form of vapour monitoring) to be carried out before development commences. The results to be provided with (if necessary) appropriate remediation. Condition to include validation of the site wide remediation before occupation. 





Development to be carried out in accordance with the Flood Risk Assessment.

Foul Drainage.

Electric Charging points to dwellings with garages.


Supporting documents: